April 17, 2011

Blog / April

by Darrel (Terra) O'Key (author's profile)



This is my first blog ever. Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Terra O'Key. I'm originally from San Diego, California. I am currently serving a 17 year sentence for felony stupidity. :) I'm over 1/2 way done with my sentence and am looking forward to the day I can lead a simple, quiet life.

I could go into the woes of being incarcerated or the injustice suffered daily or the appalling living conditions, and I will at some point. But for now, I will keep the intro positive.

I'm a Nichiren Buddhist (Nam-myoho-renge-kyo). My favorite passage in the Writings of Nichiren Dashonin (WND) is the one essential phrase. Faith, practice, and study along with my work in the Men's Advisory Council keeps me busy. It is ironic that I'm part of the Men's Advisory Council, me being trans and all. :) My favorite artist is Kakamia Jahad Imarisha (look him up). Favorite music: early 20th century jazz (female). Love drama as long as it's in small doses. I could go on and on, and I will in my next blog and cover an array of topics.

I look forward to sharing my future posts with all of you.

All my best,

P.S. Not my best photo so I'll post more later.


Replies (1) Replies feed

ksokey1 Posted 13 years, 9 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
Writing can sometimes remind one of emptying a large bucket of water. You have to start slow or you will loose water where you did not mean to spill. When you pour with care the lighter the bucket becomes until you realize one day....you can now carry the bucket with you anywhere because it does not weigh you down any longer.

Your bucket is heavy now but pouring will change all that!

Love Dad

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