April 28, 2020


From Lessons Learned by Antoine Murphy (author's profile)


Date: 4/17/2020 11:55:31 AM
Subject: I WRITE...

July 4, 2019
4giveness is a choice, where I choose 2 not focus on Ur shortcomings, but choose 2 focus on who U R/can be/what I like about U (Ur Upcomings! If U will)
By 4giving U I 4give myself 4 being guilty of the same thing (hurting others)

4giveness is a choice Love chooses 2 make
God is Love

December 2019
I h8 hell
Hell on earth
Been in both
Since day of my birth
Red my net-worth
Love n H8 I'm cursed

ONEDAY in 2019
God's my life insurance, my strength 4 endurance
That I may run this race, at a steady pace
With sandals laced, less fall on my face
4get my faith
During these millions of miles, with millions of wiles
From da evil, open Book, keep me level
Ruled by God's rule, set free - I'm da mule
He got need of

*Life Lessons*
We go 4 pretty faces
The persons morals n values
R just as pretty
Lust comes at a price
We project attributes, morals, n values
Onto others
Then blame them
When they let us down!
I'm so selfish
I put my self n selfish desires n worldview onto others
"u let me down"
Yet this was contingent on the ID put on U
(whoever U R)
Learned Jesus love by expressing it 2 others

June 14, 2019
The assumption is we become things simply by the fact that we exist as things n or R partakers in n of things

The assumption is that we become things simply by our being things who engage in things, such as life, marriage, work
Boy doesn't automatically become a man because he does things associated with manhood. In reality he's just an older boy
Marriage don't make U a husband/wife just makes U married!
Going to church don't make U a Christian
Being released from prison don't make the person Free!
Nor does having a kid make someone a parent! Hence Y the terminology
Baby mama n baby daddy...


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