April 29, 2020

Creative Writings

From Lessons Learned by Antoine Murphy (author's profile)


Date: 4/19/2020 9:45:31 PM
Subject: Creative Writings

"What u call a fender bender, I call a metamorphosis," said the Buick Skylark after the accident.

The one n only most amazing ferret committed the most amazing feat of acrobatics on the fast moving Ferris wheel.

Jack n Jill journeyed. Three thousand miles later, they stumbled upon a reservoir.
"What do u think's down there?"
"I don't know. But... ladies first!" Jack slyly spoke while shoving Jill down thinsects
"Whhhhooooaaaa!" A loud thud ended Jill's hysteria. As she brushed herself off Jack screamed, "so what's down there?"
"Give me a minute."
"Yikes! There's Amazon sized ants!"
"Well. Kill em!"
"I can't. That would go against my moral constitution."
"Ur such a Jill!"
"N Ur such a Jack!"
Reaching into his pockets Jack sprinkled the contents into Jill's whereabouts
"What R U trying 2 do? Kill me!?"
"But it's ur favourite. A Mars candy bar."
"The ants will get 2 it b4 I do."
"Run 4 ur life. Here they come!"
Within seconds the Amazonian creatures had Jill surrounded, discussing in their native tongue whether they should tear the Mars bar 2 shreds or see who this blonde intruder was.
"Whoooooooooaaaaaaa," roared Jack. A big explosive Splat sounded as he landed on one of the insects
"Seize them!" Yelled Antimosity the rowdy one of the bunch. He was also the reddest. Anger has a way of changing our skin color
The soldiers complied n ushered Jack n Jill up a hill 2 Judgement Inn. There Jill was put on trial 4 intentional homicide. Jack begged n pleaded 2 justly b charged, but all 2 no avail.
"The thing u call Jill is responsible. Her snooping arounds set the acts in motion that led 2 the untimely death of Turbo. So she has 2 pay the price. The ultimate price." The DA said
A bell sounded n one million ants came out of nowhere. Jill expected 2 b eaten alive, but these were vegetarians, so she hoped.
As their nature was they climbed on top of each other. The scene mirrored a fire truck with its ladder extended. Jill was then ordered, "get outta Sweetsville n never return. On ur way out don't forget 2 pay ur fine."
"N what's that?"
"1 Mars candy bar!"
The end!

Swimming is a running back's touchdown dance.
A tree is a soldier frozen in time.
A hot shower is a school of fish avoiding captivity
A toothache is loneliness screaming out 4 life long companionship. Maybe a baby or 2 or 3.
Fighting is 1 car saying 2 another, "make me smaller."
Being alone is playing Russian roulette with a butterknife
A dinosaur is Dorothy's dog, Toto, in a Black Lives Matter T'shirt
A drone is a roach covered in flour crawling through our kitchen
Starvation is like chasing a child around the house n not catching him
Having a cold is like not being able 2 find ur smart phone
Sarah said, "I don't do dieting cause it's like skinny dipping in a glass of water!"
Imp= the life expectancy of New Years resolutions


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