Date: 4/29/2020 5:09:46 PM
The living conditions here on Florida's death row is brutal and mentally taxing and the fact that we have administrators who've got zero compassion makes our lives all that much more difficult. For instance here we are dealing with the covid-19 pandemic, staff was allowing weekly phone calls to our family, so they could do it without any difficulty. But as of April 25, they've cut it back to every other week. It's a shame when they use their authority and power to make our families' lives a living hell, along with our already difficult daily existence.
Here it is we're confined in unconstitutional conditions, which are currently under arbitration to correction. And the United States District court Justice has told the FDOC, correct these conditions, or I'll correct them. But the thing is, the state's beating around the bush making excuses why they can't correct these unconstitutional conditions, while we sit here mentally and physically deteriorating in them. Yes we're being kept in unconstitutional conditions while the state of Florida and the FDOC play these silly games! This isn't a joking matter!! This is downright serious!! Men are mentally deteriorating each and every day! These cells have been found to destroy the human mind through scientific studies. So this hold up on correcting these conditions, is not acceptable.
We just seen the state of Pennsylvania open up their death row units. And people's excuse for Florida not doing it, "Oh you're in South." Okay. And your point is they're allowed to violate the constitution because they're Southerners??! No! That's not an acceptable excuse. "Oh you're in the South." We need some changes in the FDOC and its leadership. Because what's going on here, it's inexcusable. These people need to take into consideration what's going on in the world with covid-19, and allow weekly phone calls to our family. There's no penological justification or reasoning for not allowing it. Other than pure vindictive evilness.
And back to the arbitration, they've got one day room opened up, over on one wing, first floor left side. Those 13 inmates housed there, within that pilot program, get four hours a day out of their cell, where they can use the kiosk and the phone during those four hours. Yet they can't let us make one phone call a week? They can't give us an extra recreation period? They can't have an ounce of mercy and compassion? If not for us, at least the family? This is the most frustrating place to deal with!! And you wonder why I'm so outspoken on the things that I see back here and experience. God have mercy, because I sure can't find it in this hellhole. I do know one thing, we need change, and until we get it, I won't be quiet, and neither should you. Because you can't straddle the fence, you're either with us or against us. So I'm requesting that you send emails and make phones calls to FDOC Secretary Mark Inch, and plead our case for weekly phone calls. I thank you for your time and help.
Sincerely Ronald W. Clark Jr.
This is a copy righted piece which has been written for the FCADP, and Between the Bars, and shall not be reproduced without the written consent of the author. (R)
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