Something has always fascinated me about prison life: the importance of food. It fuels our economy. Makes us feel better, to some extent. it's our main social lubricant as well. We look forward to a holiday meal to break away from the mundane daily menu. Good food begets good attitudes, bad food breeds strife.
For a while, it was fashionable to serve distressed out-of-date food. Bad times for everyone. Then the fundraisers started for what we call "street food"—KFC, Subway, and even Dominoes. It's a no brainer to have food thrown at a problem. "Street food" is way overpriced, but no matter how much people wince, cry, or whine about the rates, they always buy it. Myself included. Even though these restaurants give us the "It's going to inmates" servings, it's worth double the price to taste what free people taste.
This week, the canteen started to sell the holiday items. Standards like cream cheese or Pop Tarts are our Black Fridays. We go crazy for Zuzus and Wamwams. Yes, we're easily impressed by silly shit like chili and Rice Krispies treats. But it's the truth what they say about a man's heart—it's found the stomach. Something to that effect.
I'm constantly amazed by what we can do with the items available at our store. Many recipes pop up for cheesecakes or taffy. Recently, we came up with an enchilada that's passable as real. No microwaves or stoves. Just 190 degree water and whatever cups, pitchers, or bowls you've got.
Not sure where this is going, so I'm going to enjoy my chocolate strawberry parfait and sign off. Till next time...
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