Aug. 12, 2020
by William Goehler (author's profile)


Prison puppies going out for their vet appointment, grooming appointments, or simply to acclimate with residential-family environments and the general public...where of course they, are adored, petted, hugged, kissed, etc., by any number of people. And then they're brought back inside to their prisoner/trainer, and welcomed back by the prison population petting, hugging and kissing the little furry critters with glee.

If every "person" entering prison grounds must have their temperature taken, and screened for COVID symptoms, it's not stretching the imagination to extrapolate "circumstantial" evidence as to the source of this outbreak which began with one inmate in building #11 - where the puppies are housed. That one case placed Facility "C" on quarantine, and all the resident puppies were then sent over to Facility "A" to building #2, which was being emptied to make room for an emergency TRIAGE - type space to help contain the COVID from spreading among the general population - I suppose. Yet when the puppies from "C" Facility were taken over to "A" Facility, the puppy handlers in building #2 took them outside to be petted, hugged, kissed and adored by the general population over there too.

But of course the scuttlebutt places the blame on one main kitchen worker spreading COVID to four other cases at "C" Facility, where I've recently been transferred too, ostensibly to make room on "A" Facility. "If there's four, there is more," I said - shrugging it off as an opportunity to transfer to a lower custody facility...which of course is how this "opportunity" was presented to a couple dozen other prisoners from "A" Facility as well.

Yesterday (8/2/20) the number of COVID cases at "C" Facility was at 11. 11 cases from 1 in less than a week! 11 cases which are currently being triaged in "C" Facility Gym, instead of isolated in building #2 cells, is simply mind-boggling!

This morning before breakfast is served to our cells, there was an announcement over the PA system, telling the PIA workers that they too are now on quarantine (stay in cell) status as well. PIA is the Prison Industry Authority which produces state commodities at market value, for slave labor wages. These workers work no matter what! So if they're not working - that means 11 cases are spreading exponentially.

With two more years before I qualify for Elderly Release, I've been transferred to "C" Facility (after being at "A" Facility for the past 12 years), watching COVID cases proliferate. And of course I must blow the whistle on what's happening in my zone, begging everyone to do likewise.

Please send this alert to:
William Goehler
#K77832 POW 409060
C13-208 Lane, California 95640.


Insert - picture

The first case at "C" Facility was an inmate who lived in Building #11 and worked in the Main Kitchen - which of course provides the meals to all three facilities here. There's been no COVID cases here since he pandemic began screening "EVERY" Mule Creek employee coming inside the prison, so how was this case possible? Building #11 is also where the Pooch Program trains resident puppies to be service dogs. Adorable puppies which regularly go out to the public with staff.


Replies (1) Replies feed

tevans Posted 4 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 4 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I am so sorry to hear about the COVID issues at your facility. I agree it is coming from the Pooch Program and it is sad that they are not connecting the dots like you outlined!!! I hope your message reaches a lot of people for help to make them aware of the situation!!

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