(Arms and Empire, p. 124)
This particular piece is directed at those individuals who've bothered to direct certain critical remarks towards some of my expressions, which, of course, I am ever open to. I hope these remarks operate to clarify matters and perhaps contribute towards evolving folks political and historical understanding, as indeed I accept growth or illumination with regards to those areas in which my eyes may be open...
So matters are quite clear, I appreciate peoples desire to "educate" ma as regards important historical issues relative to especially that genocidal monstrosity known as "Nazi Germany." yet, most of what has been suggested not familiar with "history books" concerning Nazi Germany, which was stated to me via a reader and replied to my work--"FEARFUL." The fact is, I am well-read and quite knowledgeable of the horrific and destructive acts committed via Hitler's racist-fascist machine and definitely condemn these criminal atrocities.
Also, nor does the piece in question hardly implies that Nazi Germany was not highly inhumane and politically authoritarian. The basic and inexorable point I emphasized, which some folks seem to conveniently ignore so as to protect the "myth" of their "Great Amerika"--i.e., to swim in Hollywood's LIES-IMAGES of the "special" essence of the United States--is that, each of these politico-social entities or polites have one enduring quality in common: WHITE MALE SUPREMACY. The "Founding Fathers" of Amerika, were no less immersed in and motivated by White Supremacy, than were Nazi Germany's "Founding Fathers."
When I was a young "puppy," I remember vividly consuming and being bombarded by images from "Western movies," where, of course, typically the white male "saviors" rode in as Union Soldiers carrying in display that iniquitous rag "Old Glory," to either build or protect a fort imposed on Native folks homelands. John Wayne and other white men's images were prominent of these times of Hollywood propaganda. The Union Army, protecting white business owners, bamkers, rail-road owners, mine owners, hunters of fur, buffalo, etc., ranchers, etc., etc., were bringing or defending "Christian civilization, " just as Hitler's Nazis professed.
This was actually about the oppressive and extremination policies and practices of the U.S. government directed against the Native "Indians." The aim of the Union Army was to exercise domination and to remove them from their lands onto "internment camps"--i.e., reservations = Concentration Camps--where the descendants of those whom were "fortunate enough" to survive their many "Trails of Tears" and outright genocidal campaigns waged against them, remain in 2020, living under terrible conditions, in the main.
Yes, THOUSANDS PERISHED DURING THEIR FORCED REMOVALS AND SUFFRED EXTREMELY HARSH CONDITIONS WHICH CAUSE MANY TO SUCCUMB TO STARVATION, DISEASES, THE COLD OR HOT ELEMENTS, ETC. Due to this horrendous legacy of genocidal oppression to this day, many Native Amerikans endure killing poverty, high rates of unemployment, lack of clean water and in some case no access to water at all, killing alcoholism, diseases related to working in mining operations for much of nothing, suicides, etc., etc. To my mind, reservations and indeed that of ghetto-hells, where Black people were FORCED or ENGINEERED into via powerful economic and political forces, in fact serve the same GENOCIDAL FUNCTION and PURPOSE that of Nazi Germany's ghettoes and concentration camps.
The evidence of this is most clear and observed via the inordinate and sustained high death rate of those residing in ghetto-hells across this country as related to deprivation of health care, quality diets, homicides, diseases which are the result of contaminated environments, led filled water systems, etc. etc.
"Under the Nazis, the Greman chemical company IG Farben and Rockefeller's Standard Oil of New Jersey were effectively a single firm, merged in hundreds of cartel arrangements. IG Farben was led, up until 1937, by the Warbug family, Rockefeller's partner in banking and in the design of the Nazi Germany eugencis. Following the German invasion of Poland in 1939, Standard Oil pledged to keep the merger with IG Farben going even if the US entered the war."
-Anton Chaitkin
(Rockefeller, Nazis, the UN and Genocide)
As it wasn't any accident or mere coincidence that Jewish, Gyspies and other people were herded into "ghetto-hells" in Hitler's Germany, so too, it isn't accidental or a mere coincidence that so-called "African-Americans"--i.e., New Afrikans--were herded into ghetto-hells across the United States to be intensely exploited and violently dominated. Yes, "history books" are replete with facts showing the true nature and repressive operation of these ghettoes.
These "death-traps" are genocidal in their targeted impact as confirmed via every socio-economic index as to the quite disturbing and consistent pattern of killing poverty, lack of quality healthcare, homelessness, disproportionate unemployment, diseases related to non-nutritional "foods," domestic and and gang violence-homicides related to poverty-homelessness, suicidal escapes via drugs, alcoholism, etc., etc. The same applies to Native peoples on an even more disproportionate level. So yes, I am very "educated" as to the horrific crimes committed by Nazi Germany and am aware of its fascist nature, just as I am aware of the MILLIONS of Black-Afrikan people or Ethiopians who were slaughtered and forced onto concentration camps PRIOR to that which occurred as regards the Jews and other people exterminated by Hitler & Company.
As true history informs us, the United States actually stood-by for sometime before it decided to enter World War II upon being itself attacked, but prior to that, the fact that Hitler's Nazi Germany was committing genocide was of no real concern to Amerika's rulers since the war between Hitler & Company and that of France and Britain, actually served its geo-political and strategic interests as far as watching colonial powers be destroyed in order for this country to replace them, just as has been done.
"Most people feel that MASS KILLINGS is only carried out through the use of weapons of mass destruction. However many more people have been KILLED by the SUPERPOWER COUNTRIES through carrying out SOCIAL POLICIES that are INJURIOUS TO THOUSANDS or MILLIONS of people. Some researchers, such as Webster G. Tarplay have discovered CONNECTIONS between the writings and philosophy of Rev. Thomas Robert [underlined text begins] Malthus [underlined text ends] and the actions of Western governments. Malthus wrote about the danger of overpopulation and how that would pose a threat to the RULING CLASS, the OLIGARCHY of the British Empire..."
-Dr. Muata Ashby
(The Collapse of Civilzation, p.77)
In truth, it was the Western-White "democracies" of France, Britain, Canada, the United States, etc., which were dominating and exploiting -- via genocidal policies -- Native peoples in Asia, Afrika and the Amerikas, prior to the rise of Hitler, Mussolini, Franco and Tojo. World War II, was actually a conflict induced and motivated by colonial calculations, i.e., the Capitalist-fascist regimes sought to reconfigure the geo-political chessboard so as to be in a position to themselves prosper from colonial domination as the "democracies" had been doing for hundreds of years, but refused to let them in on the "feast."
Of course, no "democracy" was extended and nor practiced when it came to the COLONIZED people of Afrika, the Amerikas and Asia. Remember the "Strange Fruit" of the Old Jim Crow? Thus, this total farce of "democracy" really involved a method of operation which allowed and allows for ruling class wealthy white men, to have the "freedom" to exploit and dominate their internal working classes as well as their colonial holdings. Yes, in the final analysis the "democratic" vote, is nothing more than a charade and ruse, since it creates the subjective conditioning as required for the "cover of legitimacy."
Whether White Male Supremacy manifest in the form of a fascist or democratic form it remains nonetheless quite oppressive and destructive for those peoples whom suffer from its exploitative policies rooted in calculations of total domination. Naturally, the White Supremacy and Imperialism effectively cancels out any serious notion or practice with regards to "democracy." Imperialism and White Supremacy are the greatest purveyors of genocidal destruction. Nazi Germany is no more, but the destructive policies and measures of the United States', which continues to negatively impact especially PEOPLE OF COLOR, remains in full effect, in 2020!
Liberate your minds of the oppressors' historical narratives...
"In fact Hitler based his genocidal methods on the study of the U.S. treatment of Native Americans. See, John Toland, Adolf Hitler (New York: Doubleday, 1976), p. 702. (Hitler's concept of concentration camps as well as the practicability of genocide owed much, so he claimed, to his studies of English and United States history.)..."
(Panther Vision, p. 402)
Finally, as far as those out there whom take issue with what I stress and maintain with regards to my work "Fearful," I am really not in need of any "prayers," only sincere accomplices against the MONSTER that is . . . AmeriKKKa!
Joe L. Valentine, C47779
Centinela State Prison
P.O. Box 921 (A3-224)
Imperial, CA 95521
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