Oct. 2, 2020
by William Goehler (author's profile)


Fighting for the lives and freedom of California Lifers

I want to thank your organization for helping to bridge the gap from CSCR system and us free citizens. I am most appreciative of the monthly newsletters. Kathleen W. 10-30-18

So much information. You are good at what you do!!! Thank you Margie R. 10/2/19

What We Do: Life Support Alliance's primary mission is to help life-term inmates and their families understand a life sentence, what life changes must be made to be suitable for parole, and to help them find resources to do so. Our message is one of Hope for a second chance, ear of the CDCR regarding conditions of confinement and programming, and to remind the parole board of the realities of lifers' situation. Our primary method of accomplishing these goals is through in-prison workshops and classes for inmates, seminars for their families, and publication of 2 newsletters. Our public outreach spotlighting paroled lifers successfully living in and contributing to society, helps lawmakers and the general public to understand that life inmates are not monsters, rehabilitation is possible, and those rehabilitated lives are a tremendous asset to their communities. Life term inmates seldom return to prison. Having done the difficult and deeply personal work of changing their lives, they are committed to helping others change as well as being a positive influence in society.

Who We Are: Life Support Alliance is a non-profit social advocacy organization, focused on life term inmates in California prisons and their families. We are overseen by a Board of Directors, all of whom have or have had lived ones serving a life sentence, and an Advisory Board of former lifers, now released on parole.

Our Objectives:
1. To educate the public and legislators on the characteristics of life-term prisoners, their minuscule recidivism rate (less than 1%) relative to the risk of recidivism from other prisoner cohorts (44%)
2. To provide education to the families of life-term prisoners and aid them in navigating the prison and parole system.
3. To educate and assist life-term prisoners in rehabilitation practices needed to facilitate their finding of suitability for parole by the Board of Parole Hearings
4. To assist life-term prisoners found suitable and released on parole with successful reintegration into society

ALERT (9/22/20):
LSA News and Updates (staff@lifesupportalliance.org) is not aware of- and thus not reporting on- arbitrary quarantines of individuals and individual housing units. The following has apparently empowered the Medical Department to usurp authority and circumvent established law regarding prisoner rights, under the guise of an "abundance of caution", we are subject to what amounts to AdSeg Conditions (e.g. 24/7 in-cell program, with a shower every 72 hours)

"The health and safety of our population is of critical importance to the California Department of Corrections and the Rehabilitation and California Correctional Health Care Services. While our agency is working together to appropriately respond to the COVID-19 crisis, we will continue to provide urgent and emergent care health care services. To reduce risks of both patients and staff, inmate movement will be minimized. The California Department of Corrections ad Rehabilitation and California Health Care Services have protocols in place that follow recommendations for quarantines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Interim Guidance on Management of Coronavirus Disease In correctional and outbreak of COVID-19, to ensure continuation of essential public services and protection of the health safety of incarcerated and detained persons, staff, and visitors."

These arbitrary quarantines are not documented, per the "Program Status Report (PSR)" regulations-monitored be the Headquarters in Sac., so this Medical Dept. imposed lockdown goes un-checked, and no one knows how to rein in Medical Dept. officials frustrating inmates and staff maintaining even the barest symblance of a program. At the very least the Medical Dept. must be made ACCOUNTABLE in justifying extended quarantine/lockdowns, per PSR regulations. Someone please ALERT Life Support Alliance of this post. Maybe they will intervene. Thank you.


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jacksoniyana02 Posted 4 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 4 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

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