Date: 11/17/2020 12:44:56 PM
By Ronald W. Clark Jr.
Here in P- dorm death row housing, we are guaranteed six hours of recreation a week under 33-601.830 section (7), (j) which reads. "Exercise- An exercise schedule shall be implemented to ensure a minimum of six hours per week of exercise out-of-doors. Such exercise periods shall be documented on Form DC6-229, Daily Record of Special Housing." The word's shall ensure is to guarantee. Well last week November 9 through 13, wing's 5 and 6 only received one, 2 and a half hour recreation. So much for the rules and regulations that are put in place to protect us from these detrimental effects of solitary confinement. Again these six hours are ensured. Now the administration had all day Friday to get us out. Yet instead of worrying about our mental health and wellbeing, and getting us out to rec, they pulled one of the rec officers to supervise an inmate, painting the cell's. That shows you the sick twisted priority of this administration, who's putting a paint job, above the inmates mental health. And for the past six, eight month's, I've given the administration rec officers a break, I haven't been filing grievances when they beat us out of 5, 10 minutes worth of recreation each time. Which comes to about 20 minutes per week. On top of that they've been beating guy's out of recreation each time. Which comes to about 20 minutes a week. On top of that they've been beating guy's out of recreation by saying they left a piece of paper out or even a tiny little salt pack.
Well you've heard the old adage, give an inch and they'll take a mile. Well that's exactly what's happened here. I let up, and they took, and took, and took some more. And when they beat us out of that 20 minutes on Monday November 16, well it deprived a couple of inmates from being able to use the kiosks, and getting their emails. So not only did they deprive us of any out of cell time for over a week, but they had us cut off from family and friend's. Well not only have I filed grievances on all of this, but I also wrote to several Senators and House Representatives to bring attention to this, in an attempt stop this from continuing down the course, that its taken. I expect the retaliation smart mouth disrespectful comments ect ect. But the way I see it, is something needs to be done. I know they hate me. Its no secret. They told other inmates last year, "I hope dies on the operating table." If they were in this cage, they would have a better understanding of this cage, the psychological affects, and the need for that six hours of recreation. But I don't expect them to understand, since they clearly lack any and all compassion towards us. Welcome to our hellish experience of solitary confinement. We need your help in pushing legislation changes, and bringing attention to what's taking place here with our recreation. Our DC6-229's will verify that this one recreation a week has happened several times this year. And I heard 4 wing, was completely denied rec on the week of July 4th. Staff has 4 and 5 day's to achieve the expectations of 33--601.830(7),(j). If they can't complete this mandatory task in five days, then they should be in here on Saturday and Sunday to ensure their job is accomplished. For this is a guarantee under the "shall ensure" Claus. Feel free to send this essay to your local legislature and or Secretary Mark Inch. Please take care and continue to fight the good fight.
Sincerely Ronald W. Clark Jr #812974
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