Date: 7/27/2021 10:19:05 AM
Death row inmate Joseph Smith has been murdered by Union Correctional Institution
administrators and its Centurion medical staff. This man laid up here in his cell for weeks
throwing up and defecating blood. Medical staff ignored his pleads every morning for help, as
did staff. This man was ordered to stand at attention every week during fraudulent cell
inspections. Staff was more concerned about him being in class A uniform standing at attention
with his bed made, than actually getting this man the necessary medical treatment that he
deserved and needed as a human being! But this wasn't medical negligence! He was murder by
these people! Plain and simple! They hated Joe Smith because of the crimes he was convicted
of, so they allowed him to lay here in this cell and suffer for weeks on end. Bleeding out of both
ends until he passed out. Only after he passes out, from what I can only assume to be of blood
loss, do they remove him from his cage. Let's not forget, it took the inmates on the wing
screamed at the top of their lungs for help, before staff come back here and got him. Where he
was then taken to the outside hospital. Only it was several weeks late. Yes this administration
is liable and totally responsible for this man laying here suffering for weeks, before succumbing
to a horrible death! And they cannot justify what is ultimately a murder! Because had they lived
up to their responsibility of care custody and control, this man would have gotten proper medical
treatment in a timely manner, that would have saved his life!!! So yes it was a murder! No two
ways about it! They hated him and allowed him to die. They allowed this medical company to
neglect him! Because ultimately the Administration is 100% responsible for all employees and
contractors that are in this Institution. And 33- Florida Administrative Codes and its governing
laws, places the responsibility on the Wardens and Assistant Warden's. So yes they killed this
man!! And they can't justify it in any way shape or form. They can try to negate it, by saying
they were just incompetent. But when you know someone is this sick, bleeding heavily from
both orifice's, and you do nothing to assist them. Well seems to be more premeditated than
incompetent. That's why I'm calling it like it is. Murder!! And because of this mans crime, these
people will ultimately go unpunished for killing/murdering Joseph Smith. Yes Joe's family will
benefit from a liable suit But no criminal charges will ever be pursued. And this administration
knew that. Its a hell of a thing, when your above and beyond the law. Which these
administrators know they are. And that is unfortunate for us inmates in their care, custody and
abusive control. May God have mercy, because these people don't!
Regretfully Submitted Ronald W. Clark Jr. #812974
Tuesday July27,2021
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