April 17, 2023

Dear Outside World

by Christopher Trotter (author's profile)


April 9, 2023

Dear Outside World,
Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on? Another police shooting of a young human being and another mass school shooting. This may sound crazy coming from someone incarcerated and who believes in the abolishment of prisons. But I feel safer inside the belly of the beast (prison) than people must be feeling out there in the so-called free society. Why is that?

Over the years politicians from both sides (left/right) have pushed tough on crime policies that say prisons will keep society safer with more human beings behind bars. But can you honestly say that you feel safer with more prisons and human beings behind bars?

It is true that we stop listening to the politicians whom do not have our best interest at heart because their only interest is maintaining the current status quo of a capitalist-imperialist system that is not design to truly meet the needs of the people. Prisons keeping society safer is not the solution to society problems that is causing so much pain, hardship, and suffering.

Until we as a society and human race address the real cause of our problems such as property, racism, mistreatment of women, inequality, sexism, etc. we will never feel safer.

Strong but human,

Christopher Nazem Trotter
P.O. Box 1111-862556
Carlisle, IN 47838


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