Letter From William "Whispers" Goehler
to me—second and last one
Hey there!
You know that we're approved to write—right? I hope all is well for you over there.
Okay, I'm sending you the enclosed (five page) "nudge" for you to see that I'm still trying to convince Scientologists how they can minister to prisoners. Do me a favor and write. Ernestyna Eichenlaub c/o Scientology Volunteer Ministers, 101 N. Ft. Harrison Ave., Clearwater, FL 33755. Explain that you received my 5-25-21 greeting with the articles about prison programs you think should be made available at many more prisons and jails. The more of us who express interest supporting prison programs using their technology, the sooner they will duplicate that reality, you see.
How have you been? I've been on the yard crew over here these past nine months, so I've been outside every day as usual. I just finished spring semester at Coastline, completely three classes. I'm on my 33rd Scientology course. AA/Lifers Group/and in-cell rehab studies too. It's all I can do while waiting for my Elderly Release Hearing in a year or two. I'd like to see local Scientologists having workshop seminars here at MCSP before I go to the board, so this "nudge" intends just that. And your comments to Ernestyna help build that reality.
Write me your thoughts on this. And please share this with others who might write in support of this as well. Maybe send the old girl some artwork she can put with mine for an art show auction to help raise awareness of what we've been doing with correspondence courses. The more support she gets—the more likely this reality will interest other volunteers, right?
Write me back.
Request a course to do.
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