Feb. 9, 2024

How 2 Makes 1

by William Irving (author's profile)


"How 2 Makes 1" by William Irving

I understood, how 2 makes 1 be/coming.
I went ahead and went,
head on head strong-
There was al/ways a be/fore and after,
here/w henceforth
There is a scar beneath my right eye
streaming to my lip
noticeable by love
who once lapped the wounded hope it’d heal.
Unfaint, my left hand is also so-marked,
down the top and half way down one finger,
split by a box cutter,
sewn by stiches-
who stiches a bleeding heart?
sometime ago lapped-
then sucked to siphor love,
faithful love’
it’s blood, brine-or-pour streaming.
I understand now, how 2 make 1 be/coming
a storm formulating like a tornadoe
against all who oppose their Being undying
in the calm of existence,
there are sentences,
stanzas really,
written by poets brutal
as moving things out of their way,
after the storm
be/for his bleeding,
and a tornadoe resides in rest
attesting how 2 make 1 becoming-


Replies (5) Replies feed

FatherJohn Posted 1 year ago. ✓ Mailed 11 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. Art enriches the lives of all who take the time to understand it.

William Irving Posted 10 months, 3 weeks ago.   Favorite
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FatherJohn Posted 10 months, 3 weeks ago. ✓ Mailed 10 months, 1 week ago   Favorite

Let me explain about bulletin boards like Between the Bars. Many, many people read every post. I have been reading here for a long time, perhaps even ten years. Just because people do not reply does not mean they do not read. People often don't know what to say. Sometimes people are at a loss of how to relate to someone whose life reality is so much different than their own. Other people seek to relate for reasons that are their own, not for the benefit of the incarcerated. I am different because I fit in neither of those categories. I have many correspondence inside, so I am well aware of the lifestyle and I seek nothing from anyone. I do actively seek criminal justice reform. What I do is a ministry of listening, I listen. So, when I read your poem, I heard you. Your message deserves to be heard, William. Do not stop trying to communicate. Believe me, other people 'heard' you, even if their response was not verbal. Posts are an echo through time that lives on, even after this physical reality is gone. This letter seeks to encourage you to continue writing. All the best, John

William Irving Posted 10 months ago.   Favorite
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William Irving Posted 7 months, 3 weeks ago.   Favorite
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