Feb. 29, 2024
by Milo Rose (author's profile)


Greetings Susan, Thank you, for your recent email - that has me flabbergasted by my hesitancy to respond due to our spiritual differences - For you see - I view the world as a sojourner and not someone who claims membership - in other words when I was reborn in the spirit of my Father in heaven - 1 became one with him and since there is no dichotomy in the body of my Brother Jesus Christ - I am no longer of the flesh of this world and under its laws - I live in faith and knowledge that the world hates me just as it does and did Jesus! My rewards are in heaven... The sad part of what I just shared with you is that people of this world will remain veiled to its truth - for they know not the Spirit of Truth - due to Satins deception ( The Prince of this world ) through his ministry of the false light of Christ - which was already occurring during the time of the Apostle's and of which they warned about ! Don't you think out of all the people of this world - if it was meant to be Jesus', Disciple's would have prospered? Instead they told of the Truth being perverted as they themselves were being persecuted for their ministering of Jesus Christ and Him crucified - in other words they boldly ministered guilt in the shedding of Jesus' blood upon the cross, knowing the world would persecute them, like they did Jesus - since the world denies guilt in the shedding of Jesus' blood upon the cross, due to the ministry of the false light of Christ - that was already at work shortly after crucifying Jesus - Doesn't it give you pause to think why Jesus' Disciples were persecuted too and didn't prosper !?! Do you believe the Apostle's ministry in preaching guilt in the shedding of Jesus' blood upon the cross has changed and that the Apostle's were persecuted for nothing ?

Nothing has changed from when Satan took Jesus to the top of the world and offered him rule over all the kingdoms of the world, if Jesus would bow down to him ! Satan still has rule over all the kingdoms of the world and uses that rule to deceive the world into accepting a false salvation through the denial of guilt in the shedding of Jesus' blood upon the cross ( his ministry of the false light of Christ ) Okay - the world is of Satan and an evil place - that will not change, until the end of times, when Jesus returns to reclaim the earth from Satan! We are in the end times now and soon the True Gospel of Christ will be ministered around the world - with most remaining blind/ veiled to as the follow the pack... So you see - your questions on social injustices are in vain as they will remain social injustices until Jesus returns to reclaim the earth from Satan !
cription editor Arrange: Between the Bars: New Tab New Tab I'd like to say - it is possible to open the masses eyes to all the social injustices of this world, but Satan has veiled the world, he is the Prince of, to the truth - Which is why Jesus prophesied that many will come to Him in that time and say ' Lord - Lord', have we not prophesied in your name and done many wonder works and Jesus will tell them to depart from Him - saying He never knew them ! Many is a large number and speaks of Satan's deception of the world into accepting a false salvation that denies guilt in the shedding of Jesus' blood upon the cross ... Why do you believe the world is the way it is today? Why do you believe anything you can do or say will help change it? I live with that dilemma daily, as I seek to correct the injustice I suffer and is why I find comfort in the knowledge I am not of this world having truly been reborn in the Spirit of my Father in heaven - As such I carry the burden of the cross, as the world judges the flesh and knows not the Spirit of Truth! These are profound words of wisdom that speak of my Father's wisdom of grace, in giving Jesus preeminence over the world - a world my Father does not look upon or would have to destroy for nailing Jesus to the cross ... Okay, Susan - I have shared the message given me to share with you - after much prayer - how we proceed from here on out will tell our story, since I believe we been preordained to meet - We are instructed to judge the Spirit and not the flesh' and in doing so there is no skin color - sadly the world knows not this truth either!!! Take care and share this with others seeking their response ...Yours Truly - One Eagle PS - I am adding a copy of this to my blog and will write more later on the awesome power of artificial intelligence ...


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MasonKaufman Posted 11 months, 1 week ago. ✓ Mailed 11 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! Your transcription was fairly easy because it was already typed out. Thank you!

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