My Struggles and Goals
Today is Monday January 23, 2012 and I'm trying to figure out how to write for this blog. Fact's are I can't say exactly what I want, due to the censorship contract that I signed. I only agreed to it because I need to reach out to the outside world and hopefully find someone to set up a blog for me where there's no censorship whatsoever. I have a lot that I want to say, some of which people aren't going to like. But I don't wont to write fluff candy ass sugar coated pieces. I want to be real speak my mind and tell it how it is, or at least how I see it. I can not do that on this blog. So I'm looking to find someone whose willing to run my blog Which I had to shut down because of censorship.
I need someone with a no fear, no surrender mind set, cause see... I'm in the hand's of my enemies and the individuals that Ill be writing about. I'm about peaceful protest, hunger strikes, letter writing campaigns and such. to expose the corruption, unconstsutional conduct and abuse that take's place within these prison wall's, and theres so much abuse that goes on back here, most of which you will never hear about. Well my goal is to not only make sure the world hear's about it but to make sure it comes to a stop. By doing so... I will be putting myself in harms way. I will face dangerous situations of retaliation. I feel it's worth it to stop the abuse. to stop officers from verbally and physically abusing prisoners. I know... I've heard people say it time and time again that I can't make a difference.
Well can't. never could do nothing. I've got to try. I can't sit here and witness in human treatment... and do nothing about it. and feel good about myself! Silence is part of the problem. For that silence breed's more violence. So you have a choice speakup, and speak out, or remain silent. either your part of the solution, or your part of the problem, you can't be both. Needless to say, you see where I stand.
I'm not searching for pen pal's, I'm looking to build me and ARMY of "SOLDIERS," to fight this corruption and abuse that's taking place behind these walls. America puts up this façade of fighting for human rights, when in reality, its one of the worst violators ever seen, caught on video where prisoners are beaten, dumped out of wheelchairs, sexually assaulted with night sticks or broom handles. so just imagine the abuse. that your not seeing, and hearing about, that takes place behind prison walls, of level seven maximum security units. Just imagine! One of my goals is to make the legislature implement a law requiring staff to not only stop the abuse. itll cut down on law suits and require staff to act in a professional manner at all times. It will also enhance security and prevent staff from smuggling in drugs, guns, cell phones, and other illegal contraband that is harmful to the security of these high security prisons. I have big ideas and big dreams. Which most do not like. I'm on a mission... but I can't do this alone. I need help organizing and getting attention when I do hunger strikes, and just standing behind me giving me the support that I need, to expose this corruption and abuse to the media. This is just one of my goals. The other is to bring attention to capital punishment and give others a platform to express themselves, uncensored. Cause censorship sucks!! I detest censorship, even when its expressing an opinion that I don't agree with, you should maintain the right to say what's on your mind. I can at least hear and know your opinion, even if I don't agree. I can agree that we disagree.
If you are of this mind set, and are willing to help me fight for this change. I'd love to hear from you. I face an uphill battle, there will be nothing easy about this. So far in the past year some of the retaliation ive faced is 1.) having my legal file destroyed in retaliatory shake downs. 2.) Having personal property destroyed and thrown away. 3.)I've been written fraudulent lying bogus disciplinary reports in order to keep me in lock down. 4.) I've had my visits taken 5.)denied recreation 6.) Denied law library 7.)they've refused to feed me, would not give me a food tray 8.)they've threatened to jump on, played psychological games cutting off my wather leaving me with "nothing to drink" I had to file a law suit to make them back off. 9.)They threw my legal/ media/ personal mail away for almost 2 months. I know how hard that is to believe. I didn't "think" they were this stupid. I underestimated their stupidity! but I still haven't and wont back down! We can not allow bullies to make up back down! under no circumstance should we ever back away from a bully! it only gives them more power.
As I've stated I'm out to bring change we need staff to be required to wear personal audio and video devices. for that is the only way to bring honor and integrity into the FDOC which stands for Florida Dept. of Corruption! I want to make sure these officer on inmate assaults are stopped. Make sure staff are feeding prisoners and no longer physically and mentally abusing them. And ill gladly give my life to accomplish this goal.
Thank you very much for your time and any and all help that you can offer.
In peace and love Ronnie.
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