Mandatory Lie Detector Test
Random mandatory lie detector test for staff members in the Florida Dept. of Corrections (FDOC) is surely a great idea in order to weed out the corruption and bring a higher standard of honor and integrity to a dept. that is lacking in morals. For this would not only keep the honest officers honest, it would weed out the criminal element that brings in and sells drugs, pornography, cellphones, guns, knives, keys, and other illegal contraband into level seven maximum security prisons. And this happens much more often than what you hear about. This is a good idea.
The only staff members that I can see protesting this measure is those officers and staff members who violate rules of professional conduct (33-208.002 FAC, Florida Administrative Codes) and who are financially prospering off introducing and selling illegal contraband inside these maximum security prisons.
Some of the moneymakers in contraband are items such as Hustler magazines that sell for $20 to $30 in here, a pack of $2 smoking tobacco will go for $25. I've seen tobacco go as high as $35 a pack. Money talks. If you got the money, you can get anything you want. And staff are all human and acceptable to greed. Lie detector tests would at least make staff think before they react. There is real good money in this and there's no real way to stop it, other than the mandatory lie detector test or personalized audio and video devices.
Back in 2000 through 2004, I personally witnessed not just COs and Sgts. but Lts. and captains get involved in selling tobacco, porn, and other contraband by using Close Management III inmates at Florida State Prison (FSP) to sell their contraband from wing to wing. Back then, death row could have smoking tobacco. I had a captain come to my cell, wake me up at about 2 am, and picked up like 30 packs of tobacco, couple cans of dip, and coffee for an inmate that was paying him. You just wouldn't believe some of what goes on in here. I later heard rumors of that that inmate and captain were involved in a sexual relationship. I don't know if that was true or not. I know there's been inmates and officers who have been involved in homosexual relationships. The inmate will scream rape and then see the FDOC to get paid. Mandatory lie detector tests would prevent that type of behavior, as well as the security of these maximum security prisons.
People need to take this to the Florida legislature or governor's office and push for this to be passed. For this is a way to weed out some of the criminal activity that takes place, and restore some honor and integrity to the Florida Dept. of Corruption. Please help me push for this change by contacting the below addresses of the Florida legislature and governor.
In peace and love,
Ronald W. Clark Jr.
The Death Row Poet
February 17, 2012
Governor Rick Scott
Office of the Governor
The Capital
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Florida legislature
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