March 20, 2012

Everybody's Right, Everybody's Wrote

by Patrick Roehr (author's profile)


Everyone is Right, Everyone is Wrong

I just recently rewatched one of my favorite movies: Religious by Bill Maher. After years of thinking freely and openly questioning the way he does in the film, I'm glad there are others in the world like me. To say I'm anti religion and an occultist would be right, but it's dismissive and you'd be missing much of my point. Some people should really watch and pay attention. Creationists, fundamentalists, and all those who sell that certainly.

Who is right? Everyone? Can't people be at peace with what give you peace and leave me to my own devices?

People want to tell me about Jesus like I asked. If there is honestly anything new that hasn't been oversaid about the man, I have not seen it. I think Jesus rocked as a moral teacher, magus, and government decenter. His various fan clubs leave a lot to be desired. He had hard acts to follow which came 1,200 years before him. Mithra, Krishna, Horus—all did the same stuff and were born December 25 to virgins.

And the creationists make me laugh as well. Earth is only 5,000 years old? No dinos on the ark? They also forgot that Eve was created because Lilith would put up with Adam's crap. And if the history was accurate in the Bible, didn't anyone tell us the world was round? Scriptures aren't science!

I like to give the Bible my own acronym: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. That's all it is.

We're all trying to get through life without pissing on our shoes. And for those telling others they know what happens when you die, you don't know! We're entering a new era, the age of Aquarius. No, I'm not reciting Hair. It's the age of the formless being. There's more people like me out there every day, tired of the Papal regions. The Persian empires and the Semetic wars. it was a "good" run. It's not working though. Time to move on.

Now, I'm not talking about those who are sincere in their faith. Just those that are cleaving to beliefs just in case they're right. It's weakness and not a good reason. My favorite Christian in history was St. Francis of Assis. His quote, "Preach the gospel every day, use words if you have to." Meaning—to me, anyway—shut the fuck up, and live. Lead by example. People respond to that.

Avoid religions that draw people in with fear. They just want ticket sales. Fear is an illusion, blah blah. Dark side of the Force, yada dada. Whatever. Sorry to be so long winded. Life is short, be happy.

Till next time...

Rev. Patrik Roehr, Pagan Minister
(No bullshit!)


Replies (2) Replies feed

skroehr Posted 12 years, 9 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
This will take a somewhat more reasoned and patient response than space, or time allow at the moment. I'll have to resort to pen and paper or Microsoft Word on this one. Peace to you Son. Hope all is well.

skroehr Posted 12 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 7 months ago   Favorite
By the way...I applaud your appreciation for St. Francis of Asissi. He is my patron Saint. In November of 2006 I became Steven Randolph Francis Roehr. I was exposed to him in my teens and 20's. The seeds didn't blossom into Catholicism for me until my late 40's, but good things take time ;-). I had a 25 year detour through Buddhism (primarily), peppered with generous doses of new age paganism, Scientology, Urantia Book, Delancey Street, Gnosticism, Edgar Cayce, Jane Roberts, Carlos Casteneda, Ayn Rand, and any number of eclectic and sincerely regretted experiences with the occult and the new age until FINALLY being tapped by the Holy Spirit just before moving to Las Vegas in 2005 at nearly 50 years old. Say what you will, but God has a sense of humor, and a great way with irony ;-). I'll expand in letter form. (as stated above), but I just wanted to let you know that I was happy to see St. Francis quoted, and let you know that my current stance isn't as quickly arrived at as it may seem. It's faith arrived at with reason, and much internal travel.

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