Have you ever walked into a public building (like a shopping mall, grocery store, or even an entertainment setting) and the first thing you notice is the women seem to be dressed so scantily and revealing? Or do you ever notice when you turn on your television and watch a good show, the news, a recent hit-movie, that the women are just half-naked? Could it be that the way the women dress tells a story about the mindsets of the men? The ancient ones believe that the women are the foundation of the community, and they are the first teachers of the children.
If a woman is a reflection of her man, and men are generally viewed as the leaders of the community, then what can the dress of the woman tell us? I've spent the last few weeks watching A LOT of movies, and shows from a psychological angle. My aim was to study society. Has society become more aggressive? Are men over-sexualizing women? Is there too much violence on public television? Does television influence people's minds? What I have caught on to is that most of the hit-movies are produced by men.
I've noticed that most of the big female movie stars and entertainers are known for their sexualities or for doing sexual acts. A lot – a whole lot – of today's movies are featuring LOTS of guns and explosives.
While all of this is moving, you have politicians passing tougher gun laws. Laws that are basically aimed at regulating guns. You have women activists saying society is too aggressive and disrespectful with women. You have religious groups saying the country is slipping and falling into an immoral state.
When you listen to the music of today, you hear artists saying "bi***", "ho", "slut", "hood rat" and many more vulgar and demeaning words describing women. On primetime television today you have profanity as one of its main features. Between the hours of 7pm to 11pm many children are watching TV. They are seeing profane words like "b***h", "ass", "who**" and other cuss words being thrown around. What type of message do these affairs send to the general public? Is there a wonder why the crime of rape is so high in the United States? I believe that the minds of men are being molested, contaminated, and ultimately corrupted. This is primarily due to men abandoning spirituality as one of the principles at the forefront of society. Pay attention to the fact that 52% of all - American - marriages end WITHIN five years! And how do they end? In divorce. All of this, mind you, is in direct correlation to how men are viewing women. And how the larger society is encouraging women to view themselves. If one choose a wife mainly for her good looks, and very little for her personality, or even background, or upbringing, then it would be no surprise to see a brief marriage succumb to divorce.
Do anyone remember when the schools had spiritual teachings on Sundays? Well, being a student of history, I'm very conversant with those times. Based on my own research, men tended to have a greater appreciation for women, i.e. in those days. I believe that those spiritual teachings were a large part of that mind-set. We took, quote unquote, "religion" out of the schools, and in the last 15 years the country has, more and more, been removing any kind of "religious" material out of society (i.e. the public). Has or how has this taking away spiritual teachings helped American society? I personally believe that a woman is my friend (true friend), and certainly my best friend. I don't believe that a carnivorous, domestic beast is my best friend. Nor do I believe that a diamond is a woman's best friend. What I believe is that these types of misleading notions will replace the moral teachings that is vanishing from society more and more. Back to my question, how has the removal of spiritual teachings from the forefront of society helped the country? In finding the answer to this question, I want to explain the three parts that govern the human being. THE PHYSICAL. The human being began first as a mere splash of water, then was formed into flesh.
THE SPIRITUAL. The second stage of human development was the breathing of spirit (or air) into this physical matter we became. THE MENTAL. Every human being comes out of his/her mother's womb with a blank mind. Almost like a blank movie screen.
We eat food to nourish our physical being. We shower to clean our physical being. Mental being. For our mental being we relax our minds by reading a good book, or playing a game of chess.
Spiritual being. How do you nourish it? Prayer removes stain from your spirit. It also humbles your mind, and strengthens you spiritually. And when we engross ourselves in the study of the spiritual self, we find that a woman soothes a man's soul. Yes. A woman calms a man down, and reminds him of peace. Spiritual teachings reminds us all that a woman is a man's spiritual partner. This is a piece of knowledge that society appears to be gradually forgetting. When you become too aggressive, and began attacking the foundation, pretty soon you will destroy the entire body. Take a look at society right now, and look at the women. The things they are going through as a whole, the way they're dressing compared to how they dressed 50-60 years ago. In my view, based on my own ability to perceive and understand, this is a result - directly - of the Western concept that American men hold in general.
I think that we (all concerned Americans) need to use our T.V.s, radios, billboards, magazines, internets, etc... to pump spiritual teachings back into the minds of the masses of people.
I think we need to remind the American people that the relationship between a man and a woman is spiritual (first), then sexual.
This will allow us to appreciate the women better (I didn't say more, I said BETTER). And when the women are happy as whole, it reflects in the mindset of the overall society.
Al-Amin Akbar P.O. Box 9900
Boscobel, Wisconsin 53805
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