May 1, 2012


by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)


Ronald W. Clark Jr.
The Death Row Poet
April 13, 2012


Civility, human decency, the difference between creating two wrongs... try to make something right. The difference between right and wrong, the difference between a civilized nation and that of a barbaric society.

Here in America, what is supposed to be the leading country in human decency and civility, we murder our citizens under the mantel of justice, exchanging wrong for wrong, murder for murder, creating a second wrong in an attempt to make things right. Which is absolutely abused and goes against everything we try to teach our youth. That being that two wrongs do not make it right. So why then do we turn around and murder the murderer under the false pretense of justice? For all this is doing is creating a second wrong.

An officer and I were having a discussion on the death penalty when he stated, "There's no difference between the death penalty and our soldiers killing in war."

I went on to explain that our soldiers are not supposed to murder unarmed individuals who are helpless and have surrendered. They are only to use deadly force with deadly force. Whereas in our death chambers here in America, we strap down an individual in a chair or gurney to render them helpless and defenseless to this barbaric act of murder. Where we take the individual's life in a highly scripted manner that makes it hands down the "highest form" of premeditated murder that could ever exist. Hitler's death chambers weren't as well scripted as the murders that have taken place in America's death chambers, where men and women are murdered at an exact date, time, and location in the presence of designated personal and witness. Where these men and women have to do a walk through mock murders just days before they are to be murdered. This is hands down the most heinous and atrocious act of murder that there is! Where is the civility? Where is the human decency? Where is it? This is cruel and inhumane acts of murder like no other! For there's no doubt when you are going through the orchestrated mock murder. You are experiencing the murder that will unfold and take your life in the next 48 hours. If that's not cruel and unusual punishment, then cruel and unusual punishment does not exist in today's society. Running an individual through a mock murder is beyond insane! Only a psychopath would act out the murder of their victim in the presence of their victim! And the state of Florida is doing this.

Civility, human decency... no, we as a society are acting on human emotions of vengeance, acting in a reckless, irrational, demented capacity, trying to turn a second wrong into a right.You have to see there's absolutely no difference in what we are doing. Murder is murder. Open your eyes. Take off the blinders of vengeance and remember what we've been told all our lives: two wrongs will not make a right.

In peace and love,

Ronald W. Clark Jr.
The Death Row Poet
April 13, 2012

[hand drawing of a prisoner cell. Drawn from a bird's eye view.]

Ronald W. Clark Jr. #812974 P-2204
Union Correctional Institution
7819 N.W. 228th Street
Raiford, Florida 32026-4420


Replies (5) Replies feed

iThinkB4uAct1981 Posted 12 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
"Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right"... very interesting quote & in my opinion, very broad in its meaning. You think for someone to get killed due to being sentenced to death is wrong. I don't. So to me, that doesn't apply to "two wrongs don't make a right". If there are no consequences for ones actions, this world would be full of crime, worse than it is. USA as a country has to set boundaries and abide by them. Everyone on death row had free will just like every other human being in this country. If you break the rules, you suffer the consequences, regardless if it is slap on the wrist, getting grounded from your parents, put in prison by the law, or getting the death sentence from the law. My heart truly goes out to you as I have been reading your blog for awhile now. You have brought light to alot of things and I enjoy all of your posts. I haven't really commented but I had to on this one. I don't agree w/what you are saying on this post.

Jessica C. E.

iThinkB4uAct1981 Posted 12 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 9 months ago   Favorite

iThinkB4uAct1981 Posted 12 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Did you ever get my comment? I wonder because since you have said alot of times your mail gets thrown away so.... just in case you didn't get it, I will cut and paste it for you:

"Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right"... very interesting quote & in my opinion, very broad in its meaning. You think for someone to get killed due to being sentenced to death is wrong. I don't. So to me, that doesn't apply to "two wrongs don't make a right". If there are no consequences for ones actions, this world would be full of crime, worse than it is. USA as a country has to set boundaries and abide by them. Everyone on death row had free will just like every other human being in this country. If you break the rules, you suffer the consequences, regardless if it is slap on the wrist, getting grounded from your parents, put in prison by the law, or getting the death sentence from the law. My heart truly goes out to you as I have been reading your blog for awhile now. You have brought light to alot of things and I enjoy all of your posts. I haven't really commented but I had to on this one. I don't agree w/what you are saying on this post.

Jessica C. E.

Ronald W. Clark, Jr Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

iThinkB4uAct1981 Posted 11 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
I understand your point... but I guess we can agree to disagree on this one.

Keep your head up!!!!

HOping to get a letter out to you soon.


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