The Death Row Poet
April 23 - 26 2012
Monday April 23, 2012 6:08am. Just ate breakfast, 2 pancakes and oatmeal. Having my 2nd cup of coffee. Already made my bunk and cleaned the cell up. Little chilly this morning. I'm going to get up and walk in a few minutes. Listen to some music then decide what to do next. Just see what today holds and how it unfolds.
7:49am CO Hill called rec at 7.30 and they've already pulled the guys for rec. As usual, I don't get to go. I started working on a formal complaint, but not sure how I'm going to take it, cover all the retaliation, or just what Lt. Kilgore done? Not sure yet. I've been walking and thinking about all of this. Which I'm going to go back to.
11:32am Just ate me a tuna sandwich, and had a cup of coffee. Filed a grievance, or wrote it. I'll be filing it when they pick them up. It's on the canteen not giving me a refund for voided items. Wish they would get me for recreation this afternoon, but that's not going to happen. It's a beautiful day outside.
11:38am CO Sexton just picked up the grievance.
2:54pm I did a 30 minute cardio workout at 1pm. Today is just kind of wasting away. I'm so sick of this place. I found out that CO Dobbs who's also the mayor of Union County is going to start working up here on two north this Friday. July 6, the officers are going to 12 hour shifts. They will be working 6 till 6, that's going to be interesting to see how that plays out. I was looking over this execution list again. There's four guys on that list that's on this wing here. And they're all guys I get along with. I hope they don't get signed. My guess is between now and Thursday a warrant's going to be signed.
4:12pm I was trying to write some poetry. I wrote this one.
Can you cherish
What you've never had?
Can you cherish,
What you've never missed?
Can you cherish -
Can you cherish -
Your last kiss?
Can we cherish life?
When we really don't understand.
What is there
To cherish.
when we're treated
Less than a man.
Oh yes, I cherish!
I cherish death.
The end of agony
Gone with my last breath.
That's how I'm feeling right now. Once 5 pm gets here, I'm going to climb under the covers and say to hell with the rest of the day. Sometimes you just get so sick of living like this. You feel loneliness - that's so hard to explain. This is an existence that people can't comprehend and one we can't make people understand. Some guys are sitting back waiting for Governor Scott to put his blood signature on their death warrant. They're walking on egg shells, not sure if they will be sitting on Q-wing tomorrow with an execution date. This is a mad world! "Insanity looms around each and every corner!" And this stinking no good corrupt administration makes it all the more difficult. oh well I'm going to wash up and lay down.
TUESDAY APRIL 24, 2012 7.03am. Here we are, another day on the row. I did not get a good night's sleep. I kept waking up. Finally got out of bed at I've cleaned the cell, made the bunk. I think I'll do some art work this morning and then see what comes next. Didn't get any mail last night. I'm going to get up and walk for about 30 minutes.
8;54am CO Sexton just came through picking up legal mail and grievances, said there's eight (8) new arrivals coming here today from FSP so they may or may not be running the yard this afternoon.
1:23pm Just been doing some artwork. Making a card. One wing is on the rec yard. It's cold in here which has my knee hurting more than usual. I'm going to go back to this card.
3:14pm They brought in 8 new guys from FSP, none came on this wing. CO Lee passed out canteen slips for next week. We're hearing the mp3 players are going to be getting some new features, emails, movies and games. We will believe it when we see it. I don't feel good. I feel really tired, burned out. I'll be glad when this day is over.
5:14pm Finished eating, now I'm waiting on the shower. They're starting then right now. Although they switched up and went back to front. Oh well.
WEDNESDAY APRIL 25, 2012 7:15am I've been up since 5:00am. I filling out an application to go up on a website in France to promote my blogs. I got four letters in last night. So I'll do some writing this morning. The officers are calling rec downstairs. Officer Hill just came through here calling rec. I won't get to go.
12:26pm I spent the morning writing letters and then doing some art, working on a canal. They said, Sgt. Blue said they're going to take me to rec this evening. So I'm waiting to see if they come for me. No word on the canteen. I'm fixing to get up and walk for awhile and listen to some music.
3:52pm Just got back in from recreation. I walked around for over an hour and then stood around talking to Sgt Lee, Sgt Blue, CO Hill and CO V Lee. I'm fixing to wash clothes and bath then wait on dinner.
4:31pm Finished washing clothes, bathing, I'm making a coffee right now and I'm going to lay back and relax until chow (food) gets here.
THURSDAY APRIL 26, 2012 7:04am I'm up waiting on recreation. I got the Informal Grievance back last night on the heightened security. Just a bogus ass response stating it would be passed up the chain of command. I'll be posting it to share with everyone. My cell and everything is cleaned up. I'm going to do some walking until they come get me for rec.
11:21am I enjoyed my recreation, walked around and watched the birds and got some sun. Major Jefferson came out there and Lt. Robinson who was investigating my grievance on Lt. Kilgore. Lt. Robinson said he had turned it over to the Inspector General. Lt. Robinson said what's your complaint against Kilgore. I said "You was there, you heard everything he did" and I went off into what Lt. Kilgore did. Lt. Robinson said "I'm not co-signing that, that's like me going up there and trying to get you to speak out against your fellow inmates." Sgt. Lee, Sgt. Blue, CO Hill and CO V. Lee was there and overheard all of it. I just finished eating lunch. Hot dogs. Canteen was delivered while I was on the yard, I'll get mine this afternoon. Not sure what I'm going to do today. I didn't get any mail last night.
1:58pm Canteen showed up about an hour ago, also the MP3-man dropped off the players that he picked up at about 11:45am, I got me 10 more songs. I'm listening to them right now. I love this MP3-player. Well, I'm going to walk for awhile, may have a cup of coffee.
5:36pm I just finished washing clothes and bathing. Fixing to call it a night, so that's a wrap.
Informal Grievance
I'm grieving the fact that this administration is keeping me on heightened security which is not justified. Not only was a lie told by staff to put me on it, but I'm being kept on it without a review. If you look at the video camera for Tuesday March 27, 2012 1:33pm, you will see CO McClain stopping at my cell P-2204 where I have to inform him that the officer in the control room has opened my cell door, and I kindly asked CO McClain to close the door. Which is not the conduct of a heightened security inmate. Wherefore I'm calling to be reviewed and removed from heightened security. Thank you.
Ronald W. Clark Jr 812974
Per Lt. Robinson your request will be considered & passed up the chain of command. 4-17-12
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