July 16, 2012

This Thing Called You - Life Enhancement course, week 2: The True Self

by William Goehler (author's profile)



This Thing Called You - Life Enhancement Course

wk 2: The True Self

FG (Facilitator Guide) Purpose: To become aware of the self

Objective: To experience the power of being centered

To understand and engage the Creative process

To explore our Core Values as they apply to creativity.

FG suggests "Opening and Sharing" - open with sharing about last (wk 1 exercise): How did you see your core values at work in your life?
how did you support and nuture your core values?

Well, between the Self-Exploration through writing (SEW) group I've attended this year here, with the (12) in-cell writing assignments i've posted on this blog-site...And then this thing called you - "Core Values" assignment, and "Putting My Values to Work" home study exercise... I've become very conscious of how much of my true self I've lost somewhere during my fifteen hopeless years of exile.

You may be able to understand how this realization made me feel about myself, and consequently my determination to continue with my campy shenanigans making a mockery of prison cilture pardigms.

This painful realization and corresponding transition period can potentially produce phenomenal consequences. The most typical being bestial expressions of force and violence upon others or one-self. I've gone through eight cell-mates in the last two months partly due to this phenomenal potential.

Yet I am determined to transition back to my True Self wherein the FG (fac.Guide) queries: "How did you see and support core values?" Well, I simply press on with my foundational morning yoga and meditation. I continue with my ennobling introspective writing exercises. I embrace an attitude of gratitude several times throughout the day, even when feelings of hostility vie with depression. Both being negative glamors of perspective, I usually counter them with some form of productive activity, in support of nurturing core values.

Next, FG suggest discussion regarding SW (Student Workbook) Study questions for this week.

SW - Study Questions for week 2

1) ch 1: Roots of Being
ch 2: Evolve or die (at: Eternal Flux)
ch 3: Creative Faith

2) "Divine Self", "Spirit", "Atman", - co creator

3) Acknowledge the Eternal Genius in all thy ways...

4) Thoughts are things. It is as you believe. It operates like a mirror ("as")

Then the FG goes on to suggest we read TTCY page 3, paragraph 4+5. Okay, page 3 onlt has three paragraphs...and the FG also instructs us to read pp13-14, starting wih: "The barriors...", I don't see it.

I wonder if this $12.95 PENGUIN pocketbook (175pp) THIS THING CALLED YOU, is the correct text book for this course.


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Deblegs Posted 12 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 7 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

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