Sept. 23, 2012

Building Relationships

by Rechell Williams (author's profile)


Building Relationships 8-29-12
God's plan for your life always requires building relationships with the right people. To succeed, you must be able to recognize or identify these people and work with them knowing that the beneficiary is the two of you.
But there may be areas in your life that need to be healed before you can enter these relationships, whether business or personal, and enjoy them. So how do I enter into a new personal, and enjoy them. So how do I enter into a new personal relationship with a woman if I have no one to vent too! Only another woman has the understanding and adaquet feed back I need to not make the same mistake in a new relationship. But how can you convience someone new in your life that your actually in touch with your inner, humanly, God given feelings when your currently stuck in prison, drowning in the depths of evil without anyone to throw you an emotional life preserver? The difficult part is getting a woman interested in corresponding with you. There are literally hundreds of thousands of prisoners all adamant for the emotional affection of a woman. The difference is that most of them are out to use and abuse. How many are truly looking for that special one? Like two ships drifting tirelessly at the ocean's beck and call, when will our bows meet? Love has no boundaries or special destinations upon which two hearts become one. So why is prison any different? My heart is crying out, but I get no response. Remember when you were young and you discovered a tunnel, cave, or deep canyon ravine that allowed you to scream out a word and it would echo your words back at you? That's my heart screaming, "Love where art thou?", but the same words echo back leaving me to wonder. Will I ever be a wanted man? Everyone wants to feel wanted. And when you start to feel unwanted. . .well. . .it's difficult to express in words but I can basically sum it up in simple terms. IT SUCKS! Now, there's a world of difference between "using" relationships and "heart-ties." Blood-ties don't wear as well as heart-ties. So I'm allowing God to work on me And I know when I'm ready, he will make the necessary introductions. That's why I can see clearly now and the veil of the devil is gone. Your listening to a changed man.

Rechell Williams #V69138
P.O. Box 5242
Corcoran, CA 93212


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