Oct. 18, 2012

FBI Investigation

by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)


On june 27 2012 i filed an affidavit, which i had also sent to the fbi regarding the officer on inmate assaults taking place here at union correctional institution no immediate action was taken. several weeks later in july, an inmate was having a seizure a female officer jumped on the inmate to keep him from hurting himself, several male officers seen this and mistook it for an attack and instead of trying to restrain the inmate they began beating and kicking him. which resulted in severe damage to the inmate who got his skull his skull crushed.the last i heard the inmate was still in an outside hospital
the point is had the FBI FDOC attorny generals office or other agencies that i sent the affidavit to had they taken the appropriate action and looked into the assault allegations that i made, maybe this inmate wouldnt have got his skull crushed by warden barry v. reddish's henchmen. with barry v reddish now leaving UCI as warden, maybe some law and order can be returned to UCI but god help those at rmc's lake butler or anyone else that this sick, sadistic ,twisted individual governs. for the man is not fit to lead at least not lead in professionalism. if they want a tyrant,a no good low life thug criminal then he is perfect. if anyone has a lick of sense in the FDOC they will make sure he resigns but this is the florida dept. of corruption, where human rights and decency doesnt mean a thing. hopefully the FBI puts an end to this.


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