Dec. 9, 2012

Failure of My Human Rights in the Criminal Justice System

From Caught Between The Bars by Floyd Dino Barnes


Blogging for Human Rights Day.

From: Floyd Eugene Barnes
CDCD I.D. #T-07485
Mule Creek State Prison
P.O. Box 409060
Ione, California 95640

Blog Post: Failure of My Human Rights in the Criminal Justice System.

Attention: Belsen ---- Auschwitz

Specific abuse I witnessed: I was "Targeted and Stalked" by county and state agents. Their motives were in retaliation against me for not assisting them as an informant against the Hells Angels. After my arrest on a first degree "murder warrant", I was NEVER afforded the statutorily required Probable Cause hearing or Arraignment within (48) hours of my arrest. In fact, I wasn't arraigned on this case for (107) days and held without legal counsel. During that time, I was detained under a state detainer and refused access to the courts. "For more abuses see my website: BARNES."

I currently reside at Mule Creek State Prison, serving a 36 years-to-Life sentence for a second degree murder et al. San Diego County Superior Court Case No. 199531, Court of Appeal No. D037562 Habeas Corpus No. D044297, Supreme Court of California No. S111-789, United States District Court/Southern District of California, No. 06CV189-BTM(PCL), United States Court of Appeals/Ninth Circuit No. 07-56665.

I was convicted due to not having my "due process rights" respected. Essentially, with the ineffective assistance of counsel prior to and during trial, it was clear that I was to be convicted (slam dunked) without any fairness to support my factual innocence. Quite simply, I was "railroaded": and I lack the legal aptitude to address the numerous issues that are in question. I am seeking assistance of an experienced lawyer willing to help me pro bono.

The court appointed attorney (who had a conflict of interest in the first place) made no effort to conduct a meaningful investigation on my behalf, prior to trial, failed to cross examine key witnesses crucial to my defense, failed to submit crucial jury instructions, failed to object to the prosecutors' misleading testimonies, ignored exculpatory evidence, and failed to object to search and seizure violations which denied me a probable cause hearing or arraignment until 107 days after my arrest. I am claiming actual innocence of this crime I'm convicted of.

I went to trial in the San Diego County Court system, notorious for shoddy prosecuting. I appealed my conviction immediately after receiving a court appointed appellant attorney several months later.

I desperately need your assistance. Please contact me and I can provide you all of the details or again, see my website: (It's free!!!)

Date: 11/26/12


Floyd Barnes

  1 Favorite

Replies (2) Replies feed Posted 5 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 5 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
My Dino,
On November 3,2019 was a wonderful and great day for me. The wonderful time that was spent with you and OUR daughter was a blessing.
There was so many things I wanted to say but didn't, so here it goes.
My Bucket List!
Things we never did, but want to do.....

Going out to dinner.
Going to see a movie.
Travel to a far and great place's.
Grown old together.
I could on for ever.... I think you understand where I'm coming with. With love Katherine... Posted 5 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 5 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
Hi Dad,
It was so good to see you today!!! It was so good to see you and Mom together. Our family will be complete soon. She is excited about this new beginning. We are talking right now. We are talking about how she can stay in touch with you. I’M SMILING SO BIG RIGHT NOW!!! I love you so much!!! She’s sneezing and we are laughing. She’s so happy she saw you. :) I believe she’s happy because we are coming together as a family again. I see and her it in her. It’s beautiful, Dad. I can’t express the way I feel right now. It’s more than happiness, joy, contentment, peace, and unconditional love. Thank you, Dad. I love you so much!!! We are going to get you out. Mom and I have decided who to contact to get the truth out, and your freedom. Be patient, and KNOW that it will happen for you. You have support now, Dad. Trust in that.
I love you,

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