Dec. 31, 2012

Titus 1:15 Purity Of Vision

by Chris Hall


Titus 1:15 Purity of Vision

This passage relates to the phenomena of how sin even corrupts our vision of the world. But what does this really matter, you say? Even if the way you look at things is affected by your actions, how does this affect anyone other than ourselves?

Psychologists use a term 'self-fulfilling prophecy' to explain how this works. Suppose you are a black man who, after a few instances of racism, now inordinately view every last white person as racist and attribute every adverse circumstance in your life to it. Let's see how you could cause the very thing you profess to hate to come into your life. Suppose you went in for a job interview, but were not hired, for an unknown reason, which, it turns out, was not attributed to racism. But, in your mind, the interviewer was racist who simply didn't like blacks. So based on this false presumption, you spread lies about this man that results in someone, or a series of someones, acting violently against this man, who in the end develops the same ailment of thinking everyone (blacks) are racist against whites. Or suppose that since every white person is racist, in your mind, the next interview you go to, in which the interviewer turns out to be white, which would have resulted in your hiring, you now present yourself in a lackadaisical manner, or worse, curse out the interviewer, or act in ways that lead to you not being hired, which you in turn also attribute to racism.

Can you see how your own corruption of vision is resulting in very real harmful consequences? Or someone like McVeigh, who mistakenly believes that all government officials are evil, and cannot be reached on the basis of rationality. Who believes that all government agents are bought and paid for. When confronted with a grievance, in which he is legitimately in the right, can you see how such thoughts would influence him to forgo presenting his claims in a court and instead, get justice however he could get it?

Maybe this is what Jesus meant when He said, "If the light of your body is light, your whole life shall be filled with light, but if the light of your body is darkness.... how great shall that darkness be!!" Our vision and the way we look at things does matter. And sin corrupts that. Since causes us to downplay the results of our sinful actions. It causes us to think of excuses to justify why our actions should be allowed or are the exception to a prohibition. Sin deadens the voice of our conscience over time.

So what does it all matter? Well, if we really are tired of all the lies, corruption and betrayal in the world. If we really are disgusted with the filth of greed and wickedness and darkness. In short, if we really are serious about our baptismal calling to be servants of Light, and Righteousness and Goodness, then we'll need clarity of vision to bring about God's kingdom on earth. We can't do good if we can't see the abuse to be corrected. We can't do good if we attack and rail against acts, events, or people who are not the problem, or worse, if we push them into the camp of the enemy!

We already live in a dark world, full of the blind, the wicked, and the ignorant. If we're really serious about bringing about and building up God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, and not more concerned about advancing some personal separate agenda, we'll pursue righteousness at all costs, and that means being an example as well, and also reaching out and recruiting even those who we mistakenly think are a lost cause or whom we think we could do without...

The Kingdom of Heaven is within you
What does he mean 'within you'? How can a kingdom be within someone? Just what is a kingdom other than a form of government? And what is the purpose of governments other than to regulate behavior so that the diverse interests of society don't infringe upon and conflict with one another?

Of course there are other duties of governments, such as defense, etc.But as a regulatory, governing body is what I'm after at the moment. A government keeps internal peace in a number of ways. It uses police officers to arrest certain behavior, to stop crimes from being committed on others, because it would harm them and rend the fabric of society.

Maybe if we looked at the kingdom of heaven as a sort of internal governing power it would make more sense. Consider the purity of Spiritual Vision to see all the ugly effects of sin. Producing inside of us a complete disdain, and revulsion, towards sin? Would there be a need for police, judges, or court and prison systems? Would not each individual be self-controlled, and self contained? Would this not be the foundation for the production of a society based on love and goodness?

Maybe this is what He meant when He said 'within' us? A sort of precursor to heaven on earth.

The Intentions of many hearts will be revealed, He later says. Why would they be concealed? Because of threats of Prison, Fines, and Death? It is because on earth order is only maintained through fear? If you wanted to get rid of the root cause of crime, such as covetousness, and ill-intentions, would it not be necessary to remove these restraints so that these hidden thoughts would come to the surface and be dealt with? Maybe that's why He wanted the intentions revealed?


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