Jan. 25, 2013

What A Shame

by Bobby Villado (author's profile)



With much controversy surrounding the events in Ohio and what a tragic event it is, what is at the root of this behavior? Why ain't people discussing the true causes of this abnormal behavior?

I write this not with the set of mind that the young men concerned are guilty. However, after hearing and seeing the video, wouldn't one deduce the same conclusion? Now the basic truth is that in a society such as this, women are viewed as sexual objects, inferior to their counterparts (men) and worst, property. The culture now more than ever takes this view to a whole other level. Look at music, movies and T.V. shows where young girls are sexualized. And when this is the case, where the "easy ones" get most of the attention, it only follows that a majority of young women (and "old") will follow. As little as I can follow from my non-cable T.V., the defense attorney claims it was "consensual", but honestly, when men hold dominant position in all aspects of life, is there any such thing as "consensual" sex? Or is it that the picture of the young woman being held by two young men was a "still photo", therefore we can't tell if she was unconscious? Then the police spokesman says "We can't prosecute someone for a crime without evidence" (paraphrasing). Hello! There's a video of other young men saying "She is so raped" ... "Is that rape?"... Seems like a crime was committed to me. I wish not to get into the whole football thing 'cause it's irrelevant. What's the most pressing issue is that there is a dominant view that women are sexual objects to be glorified for the pleasure of men. Yet, for all the rhetoric of women gaining ground is a complete misconception. What a shame that a society that professes to have liberty and freedom keeps its highest population (i.e. women) in the shadows.

What happened in the state of Ohio is a shame and for people to accuse the victim (the young woman, that is) of being a whore or whatnot gives proof to the decadence of morals and ethics in society. Allowing young men to continue with this view should not be tolerated (same for grown "men"). What's needed more is to teach them how to truly show respect for their opposite sex. Like anybody with an aching heart, I wish to see justice, but in a society ruled with an iron fist by patriarchy, the odds are heavily stacked against us.


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