Feb. 10, 2013

Intriguing Words Of Conviction...

From Incarcerated Poetry: Intriguing Words Of Conviction! by David Pannell (author's profile)


January 16th, 2013


Welcome to another posting of Incarcerated Poetry: Intriguing Words of Conviction...

I am sure you have taken notice to the fact that I have not posted anything for quite some time. I regret such a fact, however, honestly speaking, I did not receive the acknowledgement or feedback that I was anticipating. So unfortunately I did not feel the desire or need to continue to post just for the benefit of posting.

As previously expressed, I am a poet that loves to write. However, writing takes a lot of time and energy, which I see no reason to invest such if there is no interest to read such.

Please understand that it was my anticipation to establish dialogue and hopefully re-establish contact with society, through the existence of my poetry. Unfortunately I've received the impression that there's no real interest in the reading of Incarcerated Poetry: Intriguing Words of Conviction or establishing any dialogue or contact. Therefore, I have decided to discontinue the posting of this blog indefinitely until perhaps such is shown.

I thank all those whom may have shown an interest and I request of you to please share it with others, and perhaps establish an open bridge of dialogue so that the posting of Incarcerated Poetry: Intriguing Words of Conviction may continue.

For those that may have the time and perhaps desire, I would love you hear from you via snail mail.

In the meantime, take care of yourself and many blessings to you and yours throughout the new year.

I Remain,
'The Peoples' Poet'

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Replies (2) Replies feed

bluelotus Posted 11 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 6 months ago   Favorite
Hi David,

It's me, Cori...I hope you got my reply by now because in the last letter I received from you you said you still hadn't gotten any reply from me...I did send you a long letter quite a while ago. Just wanted to say Hi and I hope all is well with you...I will soon send off another letter to you as well!

Take care, you are in my thoughts...

bluelotus Posted 11 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Hi David,

Mailed a letter out to you yesterday, September 3rd...this time I made a copy of it, just in case! I also received your four letters, plus the card (thank you so much:)


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