Feb. 19, 2013

Dear Readers 1/20/13

by Kelly Jones (author's profile)



"All I am is stringy and cross - with a good memory for grudges."
- Allan Durganus, 'Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All'

Dear Readers,

Doing on my 4th week in the Hole. Still no property + I have a motion due in court in 10 days.

Well, it appears the PA (medical) at least partially did her job. I had x-rays done of my eye socket. She came by on Wed. + said that the x-rays were inconclusive + I'd be having a cat scan (the x-rays were last Monday). I was told on Thurs. not to eat or drink after midnight + I had the cat scan done on Fri. at the FMC (medical center prison) next door. I don't know why they tell you not to eat or drink for a cat scan of your head, but whatever.

Anyway, a few of us went to the FMC on Fri. I was told that I'd find out the results later. The PA said that if my eye socket is broken they couldn't do anything about it, so I don't know what'll happen. I keep hoping they'll find an inoperable brain tumor. On the trip to the FMC I met a friend of my cellie's with whom I'd much rather be living + also a gay guy from the Low who was transferred from the One. He's real nice + gave me some gay erotic books even though I barely knew him (when we were at the One).

Also on Mon. I asked the SHU Lt., who is lovers/married/whatever with the SIS Lt., what was going on with my investigation. She later had a CO ask me what time the fight was. I have a feeling these lazy incompetents forgot about me again + were just then writing the "shot". I finally got the shot on Thurs. Next I'll have a UDC (unit team) hearing this coming week, which is just a formality 'cause as it's a fairly serious "200" series shot, they're required to refer it to the DHO (Disciplinary Hearing Officer). (Note: violations are set up in code numbers, the "100" series being most serious and "400" being the most petty). Now, I could sit here for a month or more waiting for my DHO hearing, and as I've mentioned in a previous post, if the DHO sanctions me with time in the SHU (Hole), none of the time I've done so far counts toward that time. So, I could be in here 2 months before my hearing + if the DHO sanctions me to a month in the Hole, it doesn't start until that day. Fair, right?

My cellie is real nice, but his stupidity is driving me seriously nuts. I know y'all think I'm blowing it out of proportion, but note these examples: Ex 1: I had to explain that 6+4 does not equal 9, it's 10. Ex 2: He thought that Tuesday (Martes) came after Sunday (Domingo). Really. This is an adult male in his late 30's who's married, has children, a ranch, trucks - the works. How he has functioned, + especially how he managed to sell drugs, I'll never know.


Just finished "Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All". Long damn book, but it was good.

OK, let's discuss some weird stuff inmates do. Like the "no-peeing during chow rule". Often when you're in SHU, guys will sleep till lunch or so. So, you're being woken when they bring your trays for breakfast + lunch. Naturally, you often need to pee. Well, guys get very upset if you pee while they're eating. I don't, I don't see why it's a big deal.

These are guys who've carried (+/or shot) guns during drug deals or robbing banks or even killing someone, + they are too delicate to allow you to pee until they finish eating. I figure, if you've got to go, you've got to go. And it bugs me more to have some guy just sitting there, holding his bladder, while I'm trying to eat. That's more annoying to me.

Another thing they do - mainly Hispanics and blacks - is they'll rinse out a rag in the toilet while cleaning, and keep using it. EWWW!! People, don't you SH-T in there? And now you stick your hands in there + use toilet water to clean the cell with?? DIS-GUST-ING. We do have a sink in here, ya know.

OK, not much else to report. Please try Ultraoil for your pets. Look up ULTRAOIL on Facebook or at Ultraoil.com. This guy puts out a free newsletter for prisoners at his own expense.

Love + Blessings,



Replies (2) Replies feed

Rita Posted 11 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 7 months ago   Favorite
hey Kelly,

hi hi hi... it's been a while! I'm in Illinos visiting my friend George. I'm astonished you're in the Hole!! Can you tell me in short why that is!!
I's so sorry to hear it...

a big hug from Rita!

Kelly Jones Posted 11 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
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