Hello Death row idiot, I love reading all of your "stories". So Lets her your version on the helicopter escape. I want to here about you being the stand up con you are and saving a cops life over at F.S.P. I want to hear it all. I check the blog at least once a week to see what kind of B.S. your dealing out. I have a good source over at U.C.I who will let me know whats true and what isn't and I live for the day to show everyone how full of S#&% you are. By the way I checked out a pic of your ex Josie. You really like older women huh? Shes old enough to be your grandmother. Id love to see what these other women in your life are like. Do the collect ss and are aarp members as well? Keep up the B.S. I cant get enough. One more thing, do you have to "flex" in every pic your in? Quick google search shows every pic your in you try and push your biceps out and look like a real tough guy. You are pathetic!! Lets ban all guns and jump into subways and animal exibits to save people. Why didnt you stop the shooting you were involved in then? Oh yeah you were drunk. Thats an excuse so you should be forgiven. You say you just feel like dying? Easy, give up you appeals and save some tax payers some money, Better yet grab a sheet and do it yourself. Your just looking for sympathy! I personally dont want you to die. I wouldnt have anything to look forward to reading. Two thumbs up is my review of your blog. Better than any rag on the news stand
You seem to be on a positive track! Self examination, confession, repentance and a sincere desire to be transformed are the steps that need to be taken. I'm cheering and praying for you in this effort!
The only suggestion I would make is to consider the underlying beliefs that trigger the inappropriate feelings and behaviors. Ask God to help you understand these beliefs, and then replace the lies with His truth. You know this process.
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post just now. I am sorry if it took me so long! Now all your posts are transcribed! :) I look forward to reading your new posts!
Welcome to Crazy-town where Sean is Jim Jones, Angel is the first death by brainwashing and Nathan Lindell is running around drunk with Kool-aid stains around his mouth. Someone please call me a bitch and tell me "you lie too" because that right there totally proves Sean is innocent. Talk about hard facts and evidence. All Sean ever has is woman ranting about how they feel or think or what their opinions are. Nothing more than that. Sean's had three good years to put out his evidence of innocence and it never amounts to anything more than writtne dribble by lonely women. Why did Sean delete his own between the bars blog? Why?
Sean claims his fiancee, Angel, killed herself because of his wrongful conviction in the criminal case against him. Okay, lets back up here for a second. First, Angel knew Sean since his young days in California. And when he went to federal prison Sean claims she wrote to him as a friend on and off for basically the entire 12 years. So if you loved this woman so much and she had given you so muc hcompaionship throughout 12 years of your life at least then why didn't you marry her when you got out. Or at least hook up with her and see where things went. Let's be honest Sean, you didn't actually get with Angel once you had real freedom because she was very overweight and very unattractive and those shallow qualities do matter to you. You claimed on your PrisonInmates website that such features don't matter to you and you wouldn't hold them against someone. Yet for people who really don't hold physical looks or weight against people they don't need to actually say that. It's kind of a given. The funderal website shows tath she is survived by her son Noah. It does not give an age for her son. But since her son lived in the same town as her and both of her parents lived outside of the state of South Dakota I will assume this son was under 18. Which brings about the obvious...this woman killed herself over the agony of your conviction and left hre son motherless. You never were in a relationsihp with this woman outside of prison. You never gave yourself to her after being released from federal prison. Instead your greed andselfishness brought you to a more attractive woman and you left Angel as 'just a friend'. If this woman did kill herself over you and left her son motherless that makes her absolutely bat shit crazy, more crazy than even you Sean Riker. And it makes her exactly the mentally unstable mother that you keep claiming your ex-wife is/was. Suicide is selfish, short-sighted and happens when people are mentally unstable. At least she only took her own life and nobody else with her. You know, some Christians believe that people who commit suicide don't go to heaven because suicide is a sin. But I won't harp on that, there's no need to rub salt in the wound. You have ruined so many lives Sean Riker. Paula did time in prison because of you and suffered abuse from you, your ex-wife's life is ruined to a certain degree, the children's lives are ruined to certain degrees, your mother disowned you, you ruined Mark Jordan's life, you murdered David Stone over who knows what retarded issue, Angel killed herself because of you and now her son has no mother. This is just the top of the iceberg for all of the misery and ruin you have caused in so many lives.
SAH your comments say so much more about you, and the hatred in your own heart than they ever could about me.
The only comment you've made here that is significant to me was the influence your mother had on you. What my mother always said, in comparison, was...
'If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all'.
I have her to thank for the person I am today. Hatred is taught, and becomes a reflection of who we become. I guess that is why your comments wash over me as very misdirected.
It takes a special kind of evil to not only replicate that, but to also target and attempt to bring down those that are trying to make a positive difference. Again... you say so much more about yourself with your comments than to those of us you target with your negativity.
Sean, you brought your own father into this situation. It was the little piece of lined paper cut in half with your father's scribbles on it claiming that the family photo's he received had feces smeared on them. The same letter that the divorce court judge, Flancher, refused to accept as fact and dismissed. When your father wrote that note and lied to the judge on a sworn document and then later assisted you by offering to mail certificate of service documents you brought him into this. Your father was never brought into this before that happened. So are you telling us that you didn't own a Kodak printer and that you didn't buy color ink at the store to avoid having photos developed professionaly and that you didn't send porn pictures to your dad almost weekly. Does your dad not have a huge stash of porn movies in his barn that his wife doens't know about? Why did you tell me your dad lost his business in California and had to move to Oregon from family pressure. Wasn't it because you said he was on his boat with a young girl in her early or mid teens and that he was having sexual contact of some type with her. Since this girl was a friend of the family or something it was handled by the family and your dad lost the business and most of his money and had to move out of state. Isn't that why he doesn't own a computer and doesn't get on the internet?
"I'm glad I went, I met a lot of good people" (Sean's comments on Moderting the Sean Riker debate - posted above) Really? You met a lot of good people. People like Mark Jordan? The man you framed for murder and has been saying for the last decade plus that you killed David Stone and not him. Remember David Stone was murdered on the yard at Florence USP and shortly after that you snitched and got the directors of the prison to help cover for you and that's why you got to be moved from Florence USP to FCI-Englewood. That's why you became a PC inmate. That's why you filed a motion for expedited sealing of your court records. You can laugh and yuck it up because you and I both know that you're in a state prison, not a federal one now, and that in WI there is a small white prison gang population and the threat from such groups to you is much less in WI than it would be in other states or the federal system. But don't take my word for it. Please write to inmate Mark Jordan at: Mark Jordan #48374-066, Big Sandy USP, P.O. Box 2068, Inez, KY 41224. Ask him about all the other good people Sean met and made friends with. Nobddy said you were a member of the Aryan Brotherhood but if they could get their hands on a NLR dropout such as yourself you bet they would. And one final bit on this. If you're not scared about the inmates in WI finding out you're a snitch then why (besides claiming that reason in your two million dollar lawsuit) did you recently file a federal motion to have that paperwork sealed. Yes, I know that you recently motioned the courts to have the currently public document sealed for your own safety. I also know about the other things you wrote during this summer. It was two pieces of mail specifically and they were mailed to the same person/group. They were about the same situation. They contained information from you that does not match what you claimed to have happened in 1995. Ask Sean specifically to tell you what I'm talking about. I won't throw Sean under the bus just yet, I'll give him a month to tell you himself what I'm talking about otherwise I'll do it myself.
Nicki, your posts also paint an interesting portrait. See if I'm close. I see a woman with VERY low self esteem (validating womanhood with convicted murderers). The prey are desperate and needy... kind of "any port in the storm" mentality.
I'm guessing you have some physical limitations (either due to weight or some medical condition). Perhaps you're immobile?
As I go back and read, I'm leaning more to my sense that you are of advanced age (not the young mom you portray). Perhaps you did have children who are long out of your nest. That I'm not sure of.
There is an age old adage about "thou dost protest too much". It can be applied here. You take WAY too much time 'splainin and validating. Trust me when I tell you I've been there with young children, done that.
Then, I look at your post dates and wonder...how does a single mom who goes to school and works have that much "me" time to post on a website dedicated to criminals? Let's not forget that besides these posts you also do USPS correspondence (according to you).
On a score of 1 to 10 (10 being spot on) - how did I do?
By the way I checked out a pic of your ex Josie. You really like older women huh? Shes old enough to be your grandmother. Id love to see what these other women in your life are like. Do the collect ss and are aarp members as well? Keep up the B.S. I cant get enough. One more thing, do you have to "flex" in every pic your in? Quick google search shows every pic your in you try and push your biceps out and look like a real tough guy.
You are pathetic!!
Lets ban all guns and jump into subways and animal exibits to save people. Why didnt you stop the shooting you were involved in then? Oh yeah you were drunk. Thats an excuse so you should be forgiven.
You say you just feel like dying? Easy, give up you appeals and save some tax payers some money, Better yet grab a sheet and do it yourself. Your just looking for sympathy! I personally dont want you to die. I wouldnt have anything to look forward to reading.
Two thumbs up is my review of your blog. Better than any rag on the news stand
The only suggestion I would make is to consider the underlying beliefs that trigger the inappropriate feelings and behaviors. Ask God to help you understand these beliefs, and then replace the lies with His truth. You know this process.
I am sorry if it took me so long! Now all your posts are transcribed! :)
I look forward to reading your new posts!
Someone please call me a bitch and tell me "you lie too" because that right there totally proves Sean is innocent. Talk about hard facts and evidence. All Sean ever has is woman ranting about how they feel or think or what their opinions are. Nothing more than that. Sean's had three good years to put out his evidence of innocence and it never amounts to anything more than writtne dribble by lonely women.
Why did Sean delete his own between the bars blog? Why?
The funderal website shows tath she is survived by her son Noah. It does not give an age for her son. But since her son lived in the same town as her and both of her parents lived outside of the state of South Dakota I will assume this son was under 18. Which brings about the obvious...this woman killed herself over the agony of your conviction and left hre son motherless. You never were in a relationsihp with this woman outside of prison. You never gave yourself to her after being released from federal prison. Instead your greed andselfishness brought you to a more attractive woman and you left Angel as 'just a friend'. If this woman did kill herself over you and left her son motherless that makes her absolutely bat shit crazy, more crazy than even you Sean Riker.
And it makes her exactly the mentally unstable mother that you keep claiming your ex-wife is/was. Suicide is selfish, short-sighted and happens when people are mentally unstable. At least she only took her own life and nobody else with her. You know, some Christians believe that people who commit suicide don't go to heaven because suicide is a sin. But I won't harp on that, there's no need to rub salt in the wound. You have ruined so many lives Sean Riker. Paula did time in prison because of you and suffered abuse from you, your ex-wife's life is ruined to a certain degree, the children's lives are ruined to certain degrees, your mother disowned you, you ruined Mark Jordan's life, you murdered David Stone over who knows what retarded issue, Angel killed herself because of you and now her son has no mother. This is just the top of the iceberg for all of the misery and ruin you have caused in so many lives.
The only comment you've made here that is significant to me was the influence your mother had on you. What my mother always said, in comparison, was...
'If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all'.
I have her to thank for the person I am today. Hatred is taught, and becomes a reflection of who we become. I guess that is why your comments wash over me as very misdirected.
It takes a special kind of evil to not only replicate that, but to also target and attempt to bring down those that are trying to make a positive difference. Again... you say so much more about yourself with your comments than to those of us you target with your negativity.
Really? You met a lot of good people. People like Mark Jordan? The man you framed for murder and has been saying for the last decade plus that you killed David Stone and not him. Remember David Stone was murdered on the yard at Florence USP and shortly after that you snitched and got the directors of the prison to help cover for you and that's why you got to be moved from Florence USP to FCI-Englewood. That's why you became a PC inmate. That's why you filed a motion for expedited sealing of your court records. You can laugh and yuck it up because you and I both know that you're in a state prison, not a federal one now, and that in WI there is a small white prison gang population and the threat from such groups to you is much less in WI than it would be in other states or the federal system. But don't take my word for it. Please write to inmate Mark Jordan at: Mark Jordan #48374-066, Big Sandy USP, P.O. Box 2068, Inez, KY 41224. Ask him about all the other good people Sean met and made friends with. Nobddy said you were a member of the Aryan Brotherhood but if they could get their hands on a NLR dropout such as yourself you bet they would. And one final bit on this. If you're not scared about the inmates in WI finding out you're a snitch then why (besides claiming that reason in your two million dollar lawsuit) did you recently file a federal motion to have that paperwork sealed. Yes, I know that you recently motioned the courts to have the currently public document sealed for your own safety. I also know about the other things you wrote during this summer. It was two pieces of mail specifically and they were mailed to the same person/group. They were about the same situation. They contained information from you that does not match what you claimed to have happened in 1995. Ask Sean specifically to tell you what I'm talking about. I won't throw Sean under the bus just yet, I'll give him a month to tell you himself what I'm talking about otherwise I'll do it myself.
I'm guessing you have some physical limitations (either due to weight or some medical condition). Perhaps you're immobile?
As I go back and read, I'm leaning more to my sense that you are of advanced age (not the young mom you portray). Perhaps you did have children who are long out of your nest. That I'm not sure of.
There is an age old adage about "thou dost protest too much". It can be applied here. You take WAY too much time 'splainin and validating. Trust me when I tell you I've been there with young children, done that.
Then, I look at your post dates and wonder...how does a single mom who goes to school and works have that much "me" time to post on a website dedicated to criminals? Let's not forget that besides these posts you also do USPS correspondence (according to you).
On a score of 1 to 10 (10 being spot on) - how did I do?