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JohnO88 Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
He is paying for what he has done dont people have better things to do with there time i mean damn he is going through shit that no one could ever think of i happen to no Ronnie he is a very good person shit happens

Posted on Extermination Under The Mantel Of Justice by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Extermination Under The Mantel Of Justice
DRI Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
you are such an ashhole! not only did you kill two people. (funny how you only talk about the one that put you on the row) but you were also busted for lewd/lasvious acts on a child.
Rot in hell. I hope they never execute you so you can sit in that little cell and be miserable.

Posted on Extermination Under The Mantel Of Justice by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Extermination Under The Mantel Of Justice
donalujano Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
You Know it was late, because I forgot to tell you, "MERRY CHRISTMAS"

The kids will all be here tomorrow morning, and the Grandbaby, to celebrate Christmas. Its pretty quiet around here now that they have all moved out except Kaila. Im glad they all live close though. Jesse and his Family are only about a mile down the road, so of course, when Im not at work, Im spoiling Tyler:) Liz and I took him to the Angel Tree Christmas party last week, thank you for that. I took lots of photos and will try to send some soon.

Gosh, there is so much that I want to tell you, that I don't even know where to start! Pretty much the way its going with Brandons Dad, who, by the way, has been out for a year and a half, and lives less than three miles from me!!! Only, we did not find out until about three weeks ago! Its been pretty emotional, in a good way. 18 years to catch up on, the reunion was beautiful. So we are all adjusting slowly.

I recently came upon your photos, and photo album that you asked me to keep for you all those years ago. They are in Jesse's "Memory Box" I put together one for each of the kids. So, Jesse and I had some time to sit down and look through them, and I explained who each person was, and kinda helped him to know his Family. It was nice, and I could tell it really meant a lot to him. Do you still want me to hold on to these things, or would you like for me to send them to you or Mom?

I don't know if you know, but my Mom passed away 7 years ago on December 11th 2005. It is still really hard for me, especially around the Holidays. I try to just stay real busy with work, and Family.

Rob, I want you to know that you are always in my Heart, and I think about you every day. Have a very Blessed Christmas, and know we will all be thinking of you tomorrow. I will talk to you soon,

Posted on Greetings Dear One! (Christmas 2012) by Robert Russell Greetings Dear One! (Christmas 2012)
SAH Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
when we look at the actual death row population in the US (all states) vs. free roaming citizens NOT accused NOR CONVICTED of are an "elite group".

can you tell me ONE reason why society would not rid the bad seed? Hell, we do that in our gardens. We rid the bad seed from a bushel of apples.

hopefully, someday, the death penalty will be a deterrent for violent crime.

Posted on Daily Journal (Dec. 10-11, 2012) by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Daily Journal (Dec. 10-11, 2012)
SAH Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
YOU, Mr. Clarke are on death row after your murder trial. Did your victim and/or his family have the solice YOU seek for yourself and others on the row that have taken the lives of others?

I think not. NOW, when the rope tighens, you want to scream about a society that is unfair.

Your rap sheet reads a little different. Manny's does, too (RIP). He did the crime, now he did the time. You will as well. I don't believe anyone is cheering. We just cannot allow monsters to roam free in society. You (as well as Manny and MANY others) have proven that the victims have a voice.

Posted on Daily Journal (Dec. 10-11, 2012) by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Daily Journal (Dec. 10-11, 2012)
OneLuv<3 Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Good morning LeVar,
Yes that's so true! I might be going threw alot, but theirs always someone out there that is going threw worse! My two beautiful babys make everything I do worth it. That's what keeps me going.If I didn't have them I don't know where I would be. I'am trying to work thing's out with my daughters father but this is the last chance he has with me and my children and it's not going well at all! He's overbearing and stalks me If I want alone time or to jus take a girl friend out to eat. Being with him I CAN'T have friends guy or girl. I'm tired of feeling so alone and sufficated. It's a control thing with him he wants to control my every move and I'm not having it I'm a grown ass women that had children way too young but I wouldn't take it back because it made me the strong women I'am today! I really like talkn to you and I HOPE we can grow and hopfully meet eachother someday..My address is 380 Mile Hill Road Apt # 28 Laconia NH, 03246 My first name is Nicole LAST name Edmondson. You can write me when ever you would like I would like to get to know you better and see where this goes. You sound and look like the type I want so lets get to writting! lol....Idk if I told you but I'm 22 I will be 23 October 2nd I have two daughters ages 5 years and 15 months their my world! I have long dark brown hair and light brown eyes I weigh 140 pounds but my goal is to get down to 125 or 130 I used to be a really big bitch I was 208 pounds I have lost 68 pounds. I was sick of feeling uncomfortable with my body so I did something about it. I do have some ass left it used to b fat but I lost mad weight so its not as big but its still pretty nice I wear 34c cup I'm 5'6" height I enjoy music talking and movies and cuddln.! I would love to hear back from you so get at me as soon as you can thanks hun! You put another smile on my face! (: Take care talk to you soon!

Posted on Angel On My Shoulder by LeVar E. Jones Angel On My Shoulder
JohnO88 Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Dear Ronnie thanks for being concerned.I will check out some places and see whats got to be done.I have received your letters I hope you got mine i sent you a card and a letter to. I will write you directly I no you have your own problems to worry about. I hope to hear from you soon take care of yourself
P.S Ronnie I like that skull it's cool all of your art work is nice i don't see how you do it i suck at that kind of stuff your friend John

Posted on Comment Response by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Comment Response
donalujano Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Hello Rob, please forgive me for not calling you "Russ", you have just always been Rob to me. Just got your letter and card today, thank you. As Im sure you know, I am not very good at writing and sending you photos, for that, I am sorry. I cant even begin to tell you how many times I have started to write, planned to write, thought about writing,,,,but didn't. Im hoping this blog thing gives us an opportunity to catch up, and so that I can go on and on about the wonderful Man our Son is becoming, and the amazing Father he is learning to be. I wish you could see the way Jess is with our Grandson Tyler. I am so proud of him! I can't believe Tyler is already a year old! I love him so much. I have so much to tell you, but it is late, I will talk to you soon, Dona

Posted on Greetings Dear One! (Christmas 2012) by Robert Russell Greetings Dear One! (Christmas 2012)
tarah Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Dear Nate,

This is not a direct reply to your post of Dec. 18, 2012, but I thought this would be fine place to write to you. I discovered your blog when looking through the "Write a Prisoner" website (admittedly, out of morbid curiosity). I feel conflicted about writing to you, as I have done a bit of research into your crimes. However, I don't think that those who are imprisoned for their deeds should be forgotten or considered beyond redemption.

You should be commended for continuing to nurture your mind as you spend your time in prison. I was an English major and spent many years filling my brain with literary theory, including a semester-long course on our mutual literary "friend", Edgar Allan Poe. His poem, "The Bells", has remained one of my favourites. It's haunting, and beautiful. I wonder what your favourites are when considering his oeuvre. I would be happy to discuss literature with you if you'd like to exercise that part of your brain in conversation with another.

Christmas must be an interesting time in prison. Do you have any observations on this festive season from where you are?

I read a bit of your writing on the nature of personality. I am also interested in personality formation, and other matters of the mind - dreaming, the effects of parenting techniques on personality, and intelligence. I saw the saga of your IQ testing -- I was tested back in high school, and was disappointed to discover that though I was gifted linguistically, my very poor performance in math-related questions brought my final score down. I suppose I am not very well-rounded. So, I hover at 117, last I was checked. Above-average, but not Mensa-worthy. My years spent poring over a Mensa trivia book were all for naught, it seems. How much access do you have to new library materials for you to continue learning and using that brain of yours?

Anyway, I must go, but I wish you a most Merry Christmas. Perhaps I will hear from you at some point.

A plethora of regards,


Rechell Williams Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Posted on My Journey For Love by Rechell Williams My Journey For Love
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