I was doing some searching of Grammy online and found this and knew it was you. I’ve been really upset because I can’t seem to find much info on her which saddens me because she was the most wonderful woman to ever have lived. I found one thing on SDSU site was a pdf of a graduating class from 1958 that mentioned only her name. Anyways if you have any pics or info I’d love to get anything together I can to make a scrapbook of her. I hope you are well I love you and hope to hear back. You can write me 3463 castle glen drive #1k San Diego 92123
Hello Floyd. Where did I get Gary from, I’ve seriously confused myself! I don’t reply to many posters on here, so I can’t use that as an excuse. Gary on my mind? Bizarre. Hope you are okay and have managed to allude the dreaded covid. Full scale inoculation programme going on here. I’m not sure I want to have it though. We are offered the Pfizer one, it’s based on chimpanzee dna. So I think I will give it a miss, until something less frankensteinien arrives. God knows what that will do in someone’s body. There’s three different vaccines available in the U.K. In the USA I think you have a different one. I watched an alarming documentary about how AIDS became established following some terrible research done by scientists in Sierra Leone. A very troubling story. The human beings mind is an awful place at times. Are you in contact with any of your brothers and sisters? Do they still live in the same area? Rock throwing was the go to defence system of my childhood. No one used knives or guns or anything like that. A fight was a physical altercation between two people, sometimes people jumped you and you got a bit of a kicking, but nothing like the violence that is arbitrarily metered out today. It’s crazy violent now. A few days ago three children were arrested for their part in a murder, two 12 year olds and a 13 year old. Even with the elevated sentencing we see today these kids will go to a special unit until they are 18, then adult jail and will probably be released at age 21. UK law supports children who fall foul of it. But until the mindset changes and perceived slights and reputations to protect are seen for what they really are, something to ignore, then more mailings will happen. I try to be a forgiver, but I do hold the occasional grudge. I’ve had my life changed by people, had a liar make my life derail quite radically. But you can’t defend yourself against a practiced competent liar. TD jakes says that forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. And I believe that. So I try. Hope you are in good health. Keep on keeping on as they say. T
I was doing some searching of Grammy online and found this and knew it was you. I’ve been really upset because I can’t seem to find much info on her which saddens me because she was the most wonderful woman to ever have lived. I found one thing on SDSU site was a pdf of a graduating class from 1958 that mentioned only her name. Anyways if you have any pics or info I’d love to get anything together I can to make a scrapbook of her. I hope you are well I love you and hope to hear back. You can write me 3463 castle glen drive #1k San Diego 92123
Love always,
Erin Connelly
Where did I get Gary from, I’ve seriously confused myself! I don’t reply to many posters on here, so I can’t use that as an excuse. Gary on my mind? Bizarre.
Hope you are okay and have managed to allude the dreaded covid. Full scale inoculation programme going on here. I’m not sure I want to have it though. We are offered the Pfizer one, it’s based on chimpanzee dna. So I think I will give it a miss, until something less frankensteinien arrives. God knows what that will do in someone’s body. There’s three different vaccines available in the U.K. In the USA I think you have a different one. I watched an alarming documentary about how AIDS became established following some terrible research done by scientists in Sierra Leone. A very troubling story. The human beings mind is an awful place at times.
Are you in contact with any of your brothers and sisters? Do they still live in the same area?
Rock throwing was the go to defence system of my childhood. No one used knives or guns or anything like that. A fight was a physical altercation between two people, sometimes people jumped you and you got a bit of a kicking, but nothing like the violence that is arbitrarily metered out today. It’s crazy violent now. A few days ago three children were arrested for their part in a murder, two 12 year olds and a 13 year old. Even with the elevated sentencing we see today these kids will go to a special unit until they are 18, then adult jail and will probably be released at age 21. UK law supports children who fall foul of it. But until the mindset changes and perceived slights and reputations to protect are seen for what they really are, something to ignore, then more mailings will happen.
I try to be a forgiver, but I do hold the occasional grudge. I’ve had my life changed by people, had a liar make my life derail quite radically. But you can’t defend yourself against a practiced competent liar. TD jakes says that forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. And I believe that. So I try.
Hope you are in good health. Keep on keeping on as they say.