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jane Posted 12 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
hi bhaiya, i was so happy when i got u letter yesterday, i wrote ur reply and should have it in the mail, HAPPY BIRTHDAY <3 <3 <3 may god bless u and hope u have a good one, please send me another visitation form for shaun so that we can come see u, okies will be waiting for ur reply, love u :)

Posted on Mojoe by Michael Singh Mojoe
Cursed8Blessed Posted 12 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
I had a mk ultra nightmare
some Martin Luther King hijacked vision
get the feeling its about to end
gwan overcome mi inner schisms
redeem mi soul and start again
i still bit backwards
still going too and fro
and getting nowhere fast
dreaming in the waking world
like sum noongar dreamtime farce
i plan to be Wide Awake in W.A.
if i get to Tec's concert
will the music inititate or kill me
i aint no gorilla
more a primative monkey type
in need of a few degrees
i reaching the end of mi personal bible
sue me for slander, do me for libel-
if you think thats blaspomous
but the first book on the course
Jah gave me when i woke up
was Woman on the Edge of Time
so i dont give a fuck
i reaching the final chapters
i starting see wat time it is
time for signs, time to raise the alarm
i see the crosses on mi arms
matching the ones in da sky
we on the crossroads of time
i need 2 get dead dead sirerous
and open mi 3rd eye
illuminati trying to kill me
i blame myself
i wrote in a poem once i was
martyred for da wrong side
i meant in the past
but i like sally salmon swimming upstream
crisscrossing the time lines
getting stuck inbetween
the ying and the yang
i like the ball inbetween
tag me up i lonley like a long distance runner
playing martian tag, running the numbers
like a hobbit collecting for the fire
all believers will touch it
the qu'ran says so
like Y'ashua says we reap wat we sow
i living in hell but heavens mi home
stole a spaceship came after Tec when he fell
i was a bit young and green
i shouldnt have come
cant worry about that now
whats done is done
reactionary suicide times fading
its the other side of the coin
i cant say wats to come
only Jah Jah knows
but if i get the choice
and these signs become clearer
cud be Ethiopia in 2013
wen i lay down mi life
call it revolutionary suicide
like Huey P Newton
mi cats a black panther
he was white before
the rspca whores killed him
and he got reborn
like the ac/dc tune
he came back in black
his new name was Oscar
it means destiny
i call him that
and his old name Bageera
he like a double barelled gun

Posted on Hi Michelle by LaRon McKinley Bey Hi Michelle
Cursed8Blessed Posted 12 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
Hey LaRon plz forgive me for late reply i know you feel how mi problems is in yr letters, its mich had get a next profile....

yeah maybe from your art teachers perspective you were doing something wrong cos like the bible says Tho Art my God and like you said about the qu'ran its a very special kind of poetry and true science comination, whether you art teacher was aware of it or not its possible that it felt threatened by your fresh approach, kinda how the situations talk about art can be a gigantic factor in changing social situations of oppressions as you clearly say in our comms too, i always liked those situationist anarcho types. with music visual art and writing we can help be a type of co-creator with God in our realitys, that cud be why the 'powers that be' are so quick to traumatise ppl who have creative talent,it can scare them. i not very good at writing your very good at art and you work hard to cultivate you talents from Allah despite the harsh and unfair circumstances you find yourself in. i may not have the talent you have but at the moment mi circumstances are easier so i trying write a little again. like they say the pen is mighter than the sword cos its the pen that writes the orders that sends the ppl to war....the future my psychatrist aka psychic trickster wrong type of headshrinker scripted up for me not looking too bright so i need to try take control script up mi own future withI

Posted on Hi Michelle by LaRon McKinley Bey Hi Michelle
Afriqah Posted 12 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
He saw his mama treat his daddy like he was less than a man, so he has decided that he's not going to be treated in the same manner. He's lazy, does'nt want to work and has seen the hustling game so he goes and puts on his $39 suit and lays in wait on that vunerable one to come his way. He finds his strength in preying on someone weaker than himself. She does'nt know that he's just as insecure as she is.

The drug user/abuser/alcholic are only looking to hide their fears/problem(s) rather than deal with them. Not realizing that when they come off that "high" their problem(s) are still remain. Just another day, same problem(s).

Na'um we have been an oppressed people since being brought to this land against our will. However, the blame cannot just be layed at the feet of those who brought us here. We have also oppressed each other or have ALLOWED others to oppress us. This being due to own defficiences, arrogance & weaknesses.

You are so right in your assesment when you speak of the need for us to stop contributing to the cultural & mental genocide of our people. But it goes even deeper than that. We also need to stop assisting the physical, emotional & social genocide as well.

Until we can look at ourselves, first as individuals, desiring & striving to fulfill that innate responsibility to our CREATOR, then learn to treat each other with respect, dignity,love & humility, only then will we be able to stop hating & killing one another. Making way for a better society for all, insha'Allah.
Just my perspective.

Your Sista' N Faith

Posted on The Recipe For The Destruction Of Our People by Nasir Wali Muhsin The Recipe For The Destruction Of Our People
Afriqah Posted 12 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh

Bro. Nasir,

Insha'Allah this will find you in the very best of iman and health.

Alhamdullilah! I find your blog to be quite interesting...your take on the Africans who were brought to this land. If I may I would like to add a few points to that insha'Allah.

When our forefathers were kidnapped,& truth be told, not all of them were,some were sold by US to THEM. Nevertheless, as they came to this foriegn place they were first stripped of their own identity...that being their heritage i.e. language,deen and culture.
The Black man was made to feel less than a man, less than a human being, by being beaten, beaten down as he watched his wife being "taken" literally raped by his "massa" & had no recourse in defending her honor except fear of death. The women in turn felt she "had to" oblige her massa to protect her family.
I don't agree that she felt her self-worth lie in how many children she bore, rather it was the circumstances she found herself in at that time.
For years, we stuggled to gain our independence. Whether it be collectivelly or on an individual basis. Mind you, we were set up against one another on the color scale...light skinned vs. brown skinned vs. dark skinned. Whatever your complexion determined how well you faired in society & that still is the case today.
Fastforward to the 20th century:The slave owners have had their foot in our necks all those years, physically & mentally. And now, some of us get a little something something, and here we go putting our foot on the necks of our own brotha's and sista's, not realizing that this was the plan of shaitan all along.

So here we are in the era of pimps, pimpettes,prostitutes,bootleggers,smackheads, number runners ect. It's every man/woman for themselves.Shaitan comes in & causes division in the family Because the black man has been beat and beaten down through the years by his massa. He could'nt defend her then,& throughout time he did menial jobs to put food on the table, she ended up on the welfare rolls (another divisive plan of shaitan)so she began to BELIEVE she was the one who wore the pants since she got the food stamps/welfare check.

So not only has he,(the black man) been degraded by his massa he has now being degraded my his wife. She (his wife/woman) tells him "he ain't worth a hill of beans.
And look at our society because of this.Daddy doing his thang, trying to make a living for the family. Mama gotta go get on her grind and what happens to the children? Left to fend for themselves. Yet another cycle begins.

The pimp lurks in the shadows for the sista' who been beat down, who is so insecure in herself due to emotional tramas in her life, being told she ain't good for nothing but laying on her back....stemming from the days of slavery...never having anyone to love her as she should have been loved...he comes along with all the sweet talk & she falls for it.

Posted on The Recipe For The Destruction Of Our People by Nasir Wali Muhsin The Recipe For The Destruction Of Our People
Afriqah Posted 12 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh

Bro. Khalfani,

Insha'Allah this finds you in the best of iman and health. May Allah(SWT)make your efforts for a better environment for all come to fruition. Ameen! Ameen! Ameen!

Your Sista' N Faith

Posted on A Report For All by Khalfani-Malik Khaldun A Report For All
Michael Ray Charles Green Posted 12 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Posted on Untitled by Michael Ray Charles Green Untitled
Steve Johnson Posted 12 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Posted on Memories Of Christmas Day by Steve Johnson Memories Of Christmas Day
bozzi3 Posted 12 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
Again, I'm waiting for a video of this...;)

Posted on I'm A Dancing Machine by Robert Chadronet I'm A Dancing Machine
ronzo Posted 12 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
This is similar to the Roy Masters technique :)

Posted on Grounding by Daniel Labbe Grounding
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