My class and I were wondering if you could draw us a picture of Cruella DeVil from the 101 Dalmatians. We really appreciate your artwork and it would be great if you could draw us a picture and tell us a little more about your experiences at the different prisons.
frances, your wisdom and words always amaze me. however, one word that you should remove from your vocabulary is "independant".when you continue to act independant of your husband,it does things to a relationship too numerous to list on this format.he is the head of household. theres only one head. anything with two heads is a freak.anything with no head is dead.i love you madly.don't allow people outside your relationship interject anything that will cause doubt between what was given. nashi
Then, came the extraordinary. It was Friday night. The last night of our camp and of all camps for the season. The staff had packed everything up and was preparing to close the camp for the year. We would all be departing the next day.
That night, Ryker's health dramatically fell. As we walked back to our camp from the closing campfire at about 10pm, he put his arm around me, then slumped into my arms. I nervously picked him up and carried him the rest of the way. I knew something was wrong since he couldn't even walk. I put him in a camp chair next to the fire with a blanket, but he wasn't doing well. He started to shiver and wouldn't respond to our questions of concern.
Since everything was packed up, including the medical clinic, and it was 11pm by now, I thought, "If only I could somehow contact Dakota for help. He would know what to do and perhaps has some equipment to diagnose Ryker's ailment." A silent prayer of help to Heavenly Father from Ryker's earthly father followed. I prayed for some way to contact Dakota. Surely he was asleep and I felt I might disturb him for nothing otherwise.
Not one minute later, Dakota strolled up to our camp, strumming his Ukelele. I began to silently cry as he noticed Ryker. He said, "Ryker doesn't look too good, does he? Let's get him up to the clinic. We'll unpack stuff and do whatever we need to get him better." My prayer was instantly answered and Dakota did for Ryker what I couldn't. We got some medicine in him and he recovered within a few hours. A blessing followed by me, Dakota, the bishop (who had arrived earlier that day), and my asst scoutmaster.
Dakota was now hero status to us all and we've had a great relationship with him since camp, playing soccer and attending his farewell. I've cried recounting that experience each time and really enjoyed meeting his family. I thanked his parents for raising such a kid. His dad and I wept as I told the story at their home.
What a great testimony builder for me on the power of prayer. Heavenly Father does know us, is watching out for us, and hears/answers our prayers. I have no doubt all your ancestors are cheering you on, even now, for a full recovery. Of course, there are lots of us on earth, too!
Anyway, thanks for letting me share that story. It's important to me and had permanent impact. I'd love for you to meet him some day.
I'm really enjoying working with the scouts. What better calling is there, where you can go camping and get "church credit!" Yesterday, we got to shoot M4s, AK-47s, and 9mm pistols. The Ak was my favorite. I was able to really knock things down!
Well, here's to you, m'boy! May you also find warmth and comfort where none otherwise exists.
Thanks for remembering Bear Lake. It was amazing. The troop got honor troop for accomplishing lots of things: camp inspection, meeting attendance, roll calls, flag ceremonies, merit badges, behavior, etc.
I organized a team cheer that imitated several members of the staff in an amusing skit. They loved it and all voted it the best of the week. Funny times.
Ryker went up to camp initially with a fever, though, and fought illness the entire week. Some days were better than others. He was up and down health-wise. I really felt sorry for him, but had to just encourage him to tough it out. I had to focus on ALL the boys. It broke my heart to not be able to just take care of him.
However, there was this awesome camp counselor up there named Dakota who was an EMT, Eagle Scout, and hero. He'd been honored by saving someone's life even. He received his mission call to Brazil and just left a few weeks ago actually. Anyway, he taught First Aid, was the camp's 'doctor,' and helped with rank advancements. His enthusiasm and energy was only matched by his willingness to serve the boys and great personality.
He took Ryker and another boy out for a day a did for them in a few hours what it would have taken me several months to do on my own. I was so grateful for his influence on them, both as scouts and young men. He had become a great example. I couldn't thank him enough.
Love your thoughts on attachments. Reminds me of Robin Williams in Dead Poet's Society when he's reading the roll call: "...Mr. Pitts...rise above your name." Haha. Don't let your attachments define or limit you and your potential!
I would love to read your speeches. I hope you're able to keep them and maybe even make a book when you're done so others may benefit.
sorry i've been awol for a bit. Uber busy. Peggy is PTA President at the kids' elementary school and has been doing so much that I have had to play a lot of 'mom,' too.
I love this blog post about Conscious Happy Evolution. Consciously being happy and positive IS a decision and skill. I truly believe that you'll make better decisions and your life will seem lighter if you practice this skill. Eventually, it comes naturally.
While a realist, I balance realism with optimism. I don't want to be in a fantasy state of being, blindly filtering life optimistically, rather, I'm trying to learn to accept things as they are while choosing how I respond/react to them. Like you indicate, I can choose to be happy and optimistic, despite unpleasant realities.
It's easy to be happy when times are good. The challenge is to be prepared with a habit and skill of being happy and optimistic despite negative realities that bombard our daily existence.
I hope this makes sense. I have a migrane. I've wanted to get in touch with you for several weeks, though, and I'm determined to do it now!
Conference has been great. Priesthood session last night was revealing in that Pres. Monson recalled an excerpt from Pres. Benson in 1987 when he called us a chosen generation to experience Christ's return. I get excited thinking about the possibility that we could experience the Savior's return.
I'll send you the conference version of the Enisign. Are there any books you'd like me to send you? Are there any Mormons there in prison? Are you able to practice your religion in groups and be a missionary to others around you? You're strong and could influence many for good.
Hope you had a decent birthday! I'm encouraged by your great posts. Hang in there buddy! 'Cause I love ya!
Hey Bob, you're right. The hurricane coverage was ridiculous. I DVR'd the track coverage and when i went back to watch it, 2 hrs. of weather instead! From what I did see of the track and field championships, it was great to see a US victory in the women's 1500m and a bronze from Centrowizs (spelling?). The 100m was uneventful at best. The 200m was a pretty fast race. You could not have been more wrong about the playoff race in the MLB. What a disaster, but it was anything but boring. yeahm, Gatlin is pretty stupid...I didn't see the list, but I agree that Kara should have been there.
My class and I were wondering if you could draw us a picture of Cruella DeVil from the 101 Dalmatians. We really appreciate your artwork and it would be great if you could draw us a picture and tell us a little more about your experiences at the different prisons.
Her full name is Taylor Alison Swift.
There are multiple addresses for the Communist Party USA, here are two:
Communist Party of Eastern Pennsylvania & Delaware
4515 Baltimore
Philadelphia, PA 19143
Tel: 215-222-8895
Fax: 215-222-8895
Communist Party of Illinois
3339 S. Halsted
Chicago, IL 60608
Tel: 773-446-9930
Fax: 773-446-9928
The Socialist Party USA's mailing address, taken from
Socialist Party USA
339 Lafayette St. #303 New York, NY 10012
The Green Party's addresses, taken from
National Office
The National Office is overseen by
Office Manager Brian Bittner.
Green Party of the United States
7059 Blair Road NW, Suite 104
Washington, DC 20012
Mailing Address
PO Box 75075, Washington, DC 20013
Then, came the extraordinary. It was Friday night. The last night of our camp and of all camps for the season. The staff had packed everything up and was preparing to close the camp for the year. We would all be departing the next day.
That night, Ryker's health dramatically fell. As we walked back to our camp from the closing campfire at about 10pm, he put his arm around me, then slumped into my arms. I nervously picked him up and carried him the rest of the way. I knew something was wrong since he couldn't even walk. I put him in a camp chair next to the fire with a blanket, but he wasn't doing well. He started to shiver and wouldn't respond to our questions of concern.
Since everything was packed up, including the medical clinic, and it was 11pm by now, I thought, "If only I could somehow contact Dakota for help. He would know what to do and perhaps has some equipment to diagnose Ryker's ailment." A silent prayer of help to Heavenly Father from Ryker's earthly father followed. I prayed for some way to contact Dakota. Surely he was asleep and I felt I might disturb him for nothing otherwise.
Not one minute later, Dakota strolled up to our camp, strumming his Ukelele. I began to silently cry as he noticed Ryker. He said, "Ryker doesn't look too good, does he? Let's get him up to the clinic. We'll unpack stuff and do whatever we need to get him better." My prayer was instantly answered and Dakota did for Ryker what I couldn't. We got some medicine in him and he recovered within a few hours. A blessing followed by me, Dakota, the bishop (who had arrived earlier that day), and my asst scoutmaster.
Dakota was now hero status to us all and we've had a great relationship with him since camp, playing soccer and attending his farewell. I've cried recounting that experience each time and really enjoyed meeting his family. I thanked his parents for raising such a kid. His dad and I wept as I told the story at their home.
What a great testimony builder for me on the power of prayer. Heavenly Father does know us, is watching out for us, and hears/answers our prayers. I have no doubt all your ancestors are cheering you on, even now, for a full recovery. Of course, there are lots of us on earth, too!
Anyway, thanks for letting me share that story. It's important to me and had permanent impact. I'd love for you to meet him some day.
I'm really enjoying working with the scouts. What better calling is there, where you can go camping and get "church credit!" Yesterday, we got to shoot M4s, AK-47s, and 9mm pistols. The Ak was my favorite. I was able to really knock things down!
Well, here's to you, m'boy! May you also find warmth and comfort where none otherwise exists.
Donn Ho
Thanks for remembering Bear Lake. It was amazing. The troop got honor troop for accomplishing lots of things: camp inspection, meeting attendance, roll calls, flag ceremonies, merit badges, behavior, etc.
I organized a team cheer that imitated several members of the staff in an amusing skit. They loved it and all voted it the best of the week. Funny times.
Ryker went up to camp initially with a fever, though, and fought illness the entire week. Some days were better than others. He was up and down health-wise. I really felt sorry for him, but had to just encourage him to tough it out. I had to focus on ALL the boys. It broke my heart to not be able to just take care of him.
However, there was this awesome camp counselor up there named Dakota who was an EMT, Eagle Scout, and hero. He'd been honored by saving someone's life even. He received his mission call to Brazil and just left a few weeks ago actually. Anyway, he taught First Aid, was the camp's 'doctor,' and helped with rank advancements. His enthusiasm and energy was only matched by his willingness to serve the boys and great personality.
He took Ryker and another boy out for a day a did for them in a few hours what it would have taken me several months to do on my own. I was so grateful for his influence on them, both as scouts and young men. He had become a great example. I couldn't thank him enough.
(cont. next post)
Love your thoughts on attachments. Reminds me of Robin Williams in Dead Poet's Society when he's reading the roll call: "...Mr. Pitts...rise above your name." Haha. Don't let your attachments define or limit you and your potential!
I would love to read your speeches. I hope you're able to keep them and maybe even make a book when you're done so others may benefit.
Zencarnation, now with Vitamin Z!
Donn Ho
I love this blog post about Conscious Happy Evolution. Consciously being happy and positive IS a decision and skill. I truly believe that you'll make better decisions and your life will seem lighter if you practice this skill. Eventually, it comes naturally.
While a realist, I balance realism with optimism. I don't want to be in a fantasy state of being, blindly filtering life optimistically, rather, I'm trying to learn to accept things as they are while choosing how I respond/react to them. Like you indicate, I can choose to be happy and optimistic, despite unpleasant realities.
It's easy to be happy when times are good. The challenge is to be prepared with a habit and skill of being happy and optimistic despite negative realities that bombard our daily existence.
I hope this makes sense. I have a migrane. I've wanted to get in touch with you for several weeks, though, and I'm determined to do it now!
Conference has been great. Priesthood session last night was revealing in that Pres. Monson recalled an excerpt from Pres. Benson in 1987 when he called us a chosen generation to experience Christ's return. I get excited thinking about the possibility that we could experience the Savior's return.
I'll send you the conference version of the Enisign. Are there any books you'd like me to send you? Are there any Mormons there in prison? Are you able to practice your religion in groups and be a missionary to others around you? You're strong and could influence many for good.
Hope you had a decent birthday! I'm encouraged by your great posts. Hang in there buddy! 'Cause I love ya!
Donn Ho
Capt Ron
PS-Angelina's not a cretin, she's a Puerto Rican!