Im happy for you that youve found some peace in writing. I was friends with Tanisha as a kid so when I seen all this happening on the news I was interested. I can tell youve grown alot since the incident and I just wanted to send you a little message because I know how lonely it is and everything is something right? You keep writing, keep staying strong. Keep blessing the world with your knowledge.
Hi Dymitri -- Glad you showed me how to find this resource. Your post is very compelling. No one should be required to live in this kind of environment. Once again we see how humanity's collective evil exceeds its individual evil. Got your long letter. It's excellent. Also I would like to use this post. No time for a long response. Will write. Be patient. jim
Hi I prayed the prayer thank you for sharing I didn't properly believe in this stuff until a few years ago I just felt that Yashiya HaMoshiach who I only knew His name as Jesus Christ then was real and would get me of heroin crack and methadone addiction and He did. Sadly since then imessed up a lot so I'm praying for another chance I'm still of those drugs anyway I hope our Creator God hears and answers you prayers and keeps you safe as possible in that place. From Michelle God bless
Hi Michael Thank God any how for Him delivering you and even if He don't God is still able to do it. Just remember when you are talking to the youth how one ride and one crazy person you riding with can mess things up for a time. But God has really worked on your and I thank God that you have not turned bitter. Be strong and keep the courage and remember Paul in the bible who was locked up. I wont spill the beans. High School friend Jackie Jefferson
Hi Michael this is Jackie Jefferson I went with your sister and you were a little older. But I remeber you in highschool and want you to know I have never forgotten you. Its amazing how our lives turn out but give God the Glory for whatever He allow us to go through thank Him for the trail and tribulation for these are to make us strong not to kill us. T
Hi Scot, Sorry it's been so long. I have so many letters I started and never finished. Now my house is just coming back from a major shamble and I'm getting with it. Just wanted to let you to know I'm thinking of you. I still have one stamp left, reserved for you, when I find where the envelopes are, very soon.
Glad you showed me how to find this resource. Your post is very compelling. No one should be required to live in this kind of environment. Once again we see how humanity's collective evil exceeds its individual evil. Got your long letter. It's excellent. Also I would like to use this post. No time for a long response. Will write. Be patient.
Thank God any how for Him delivering you and even if He don't God is still able to do it. Just remember when you are talking to the youth how one ride and one crazy person you riding with can mess things up for a time. But God has really worked on your and I thank God that you have not turned bitter. Be strong and keep the courage and remember Paul in the bible who was locked up. I wont spill the beans.
High School friend
Jackie Jefferson
I'm going to quote one thing you wrote 'out of context,' because it's the only thing that I have read that really makes sense.
You wrote you were blinded by hate. And reading what you write - that sort of sums it up for me.
There was a great deal of hatred not just on that fateful day - but I imagine on many days leading up to it.
I hope you find a different way of thinking - change is always possible - you just have to want it.
Sorry it's been so long. I have so many letters I started and never finished. Now my house is just coming back from a major shamble and I'm getting with it. Just wanted to let you to know I'm thinking of you. I still have one stamp left, reserved for you, when I find where the envelopes are, very soon.