Aengus, Teia Tephi's third child and her second son (known as "In Mac Oc" - the Young son), was raised at Mullagh, Co. Cavan, by his aunt Maistiv, who was reputed to have been the best embroideress in Ireland; after his elder brother Aedh's death. Mullagh Hill where Aengus was raised is not far away, being just over the Meath border in neighbouring County Cavan.
Aengus' older brother; Aedh, Teia Tephi's firstborn; died whilst still a teenager and was buried in the passage of the Mound of The Hostages on Tara Hill, and so Aengus inherited the throne in his place. Tara Hill was the Capital of Ireland and is well worth visiting, not only because of its history and because it is still the Spiritual Capital of Ireland, but also because of its natural unspoiled beauty and the spectacular view of the surrounding country-side from the top of The Mound of The Hostages*.
It is egg-shaped to act as a womb within which was placed the remains of Aengus and the entrance-passage represents the uterus up which the fertilizing ray of the Winter Solstice sunrise enters the womb; supposedly impregnates and gives new life to the occupant to be reborn, making them immortal, or, as in Aengus' case immortalised in human-memory because of his magnificent tomb. This tomb is not just the grandest tomb in Ireland, it is reputed to be the grandest in Europe.
The floor-plan of Newgrange.
Plan of the tomb, showing the large standing stones that were used to align the tomb and also the Kerbstones. The vertical lines on K1 and K52 along with the large standing stones shown below were used to align the passage and roofbox with the Winter Solstice sunrise.
Alignment of Standing Stones and Winter Solstice Sunrise.
The large Standing Stones around Newgrange; as well as being used for sighting and surveying benchmanks to line it up with the Winter Solstice sunrise; were also used to align it with the other great cairns of Knowth and Dowth. Standing Stone GC-2, which stands on top of Bronze-age burial pits, was used along with Mound 6 to line-up Newgrange with Knowth, which is the oldest of the three cairns. Other Standing Stones around Newgrange were used to align Newgrange with Dowth which is the next oldest; Newgrange being the youngest of the three. Ireland has large copper deposits, and, using tin from Cornwall, the Irish people manufactured bronze. That is why Ireland used bronze rather than having to buy iron and is also why the Bronze-age continued in Ireland well into what was already the Iron-age in other parts of the world. Ireland had copper-mines at least 3,000 years ago when the Phoenicians (Israelites) and others from the Mediterranean area first began sailing here to buy bronze. It still has the largest copper-mines in Europe today.
Standing Stone GC -2 and the other Standing Stones date from the Iron-age, not the Bronze-age, during the latter-part of the sixth century B.C., which is when Aengus was the Ard ri of Tara; his mother having died on the Calends (first) of August in 534 B.C.
It was the Winter Solstice (the original pagan Yuletide) that was believed to be the time both of death and rebirth, in pagan Baal-worship, and so the tomb was lined up in order that Aengus could be reborn when the sun (worshipped as a god by Baal-worshippers) pierced his tomb and the beam of light touched his remains. Aengus believed that he could then travel along the light-beam to the sun and join his god and become divine himself. This belief was common in many parts of the world especially in Egypt, where the Celts, who are all Israelites, had been in slavery for 400 years, until Moses delivered them from slavery in the Exodus, after which some of them came to Ireland as Celts. Aengus's great pride and his belief expressed by his tomb caused him to be wrongfully deified, like the pharaohs, by his subjects. The word Celt is the anglicised version of the Greek word Keltoi, which means the "people who are different" i.e. Israelites. The whole world according to God is populated by Gentiles, with Israelites being the minority who are "different" (as expressed in Deuteronomy 14:2 of The Torah - The Law) because they were commanded to keep only God's Laws - The Torah, which is buried in The Ark of The Covenant at the Hill of Torah-Taueragh-Tara. Israelites were to be a "peculiar people" unto the Lord i.e. "different from other people".
Deuteronomy 14:2 For thou [art] an holy people unto the "I AM" thy God, and the "I AM" hath chosen thee to be a peculiar* people unto Himself, above all the nations that [are] upon the earth.
* Special; Different (Oxford Dictionary).
The other people who came to settle in Ireland were/are the Tuatha de Danaan which means the Tribe of Dan, which was/is the fifth Tribe of Israel (Genesis 30:6), so, they too, like the Celts, are Israelites.
Genesis 30:6 And Rachel said, God hath judged me, and hath also heard my voice, and hath given me a son: therefore called she his name Dan.
The tomb itself is designed as an enormous cosmic egg, which was originally completely covered by quartz stone crystals, that absorb and retain the sun's energy, just like quartz-crystals absorb energy in many modern watches and clocks.
It was ransacked and robbed, by the vikings exactly as his mother prophesied after seeing a vision, a copy of which is in the "Book of Tephi Queen of Tara", which includes many other prophecies that she was given by God and which have been fulfilled in minute detail.
Because of his mother's prophecy concerning his tomb; that he knew would be fulfilled, for Teia Tephi was God's Chosen Seed and the Tender Twig (daughter) of the lofty Cedar (line of David) that Jeremiah uprooted from Jerusalem and planted in Ireland (Jeremiah 1:10), as he was commanded to do by God; Aengus had the blue-prints / building-plans carved into stone and placed in and around his tomb. He did this so that the tomb could then be rebuilt if it was badly damaged by the prophesied future raiders.
Jeremiah 1:10 See, I (God) have this day set thee (Jeremiah) over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.
The carvings you can see on the stones are astronomical calculations, done in great detail, without which it would have been impossible to construct and align the tomb and its roof-box aperture with the Winter Solstice sunrise. The vertical lines on kerbstones K1 and K52, which are on opposite sides (at the front and the back respectively) of the tomb are sighting-marks for lining-up the passage with the Winter Solstice sunrise.
I just off to bed real tired babe but just wanna put some this stuff up i did for my other penpal jerimiah too i got some stuff aobut 19 in the quran also i gonna put up here tomorrow for you.
The word Newgrange is derived from New Grianan which means New Sunhouse and it was built by, and is the tomb of, Aengus the Ard ri (High-king) of Tara, who reigned in the latter-half of the sixth century B.C. and whose name is carved in Ogham Script on Stone C4 in the West Recess inside the tomb.
The hieroglyphics on Stone C4 in Newgrange's West Recess that show a "ship" (with four passengers: - Jeremiah; Teia Tephi and her two hand-maidens) and spell the word "Aengus" carved in Ogham Script.
On the East side of stone C4 there is carved a date-palm with a wavy line attached to it. This date-palm represents queen Teia Tephi, Aengus' mother who came to Ireland by sea over the waves from Jerusalem and confirms that the Aengus referred to in Ogham script, on the same stone, was indeed the third child of Teia Tephi and her husband the Daighda, Eochaidh mac Duach/Dui, the High-king of Tara. Aengus was also known as "in Mac Oc" (the Young Son). Part of the Ogham Script has also been described as a ship, which is further proof of Aengus' relationship with Teia Tephi, his mother, who came by ship from Jerusalem to Ireland with Jeremiah the Bible Prophet. Teia Tephi landed with Jacob's Pillar Stone, the Bethel - Lia Fail Stone, at Howth on the 18th of June in 583 B.C.
West Recess
Queen Teia Tephi had The Mound of The Hostages (2 Chron. 25:24) built for her at Tara Hill and named "Teamur" - "Teia's Wailing-Wall'; where she wailed over the destruction of her native Jerusalem, just as people do today by the "Wailing-Wall" in Jerusalem itself. It was also called Duma na Gaill, meaning "Purity of Palms", according to the Irish Metrical Dindsenchas, Part 1; page 17; line 39. The Mound of The Hostages/Teamur was so called, because, before being covered with earth at a later date, it was the wall where the Palm (Teia Tephi) fasted; prayed and purified herself. A later Jerusalem - Palm link is "Palm-Sunday."
Aengus' mother; the daughter of king Zedekiah of Jerusalem; called Teia Tephi, who was brought from Jerusalem to Ireland by Jeremiah (the Bible Prophet who was buried in Cairn T, at nearby Loughcrew) wrote in her autobiography that Aengus was very arrogant and that he would worship money and build the grandest tomb in Ireland for himself to be immortalised in human-memory but that it would be violated and ransacked by future invaders and grave-robbers.
if you would like me to send you a quran when i get paid next monday please let me know. sorry i couldnt manage do all how i said this week if i can still afford it i will check if the post stamps ppl is email me back way do form if not i promise i be try mi best monday thanks for your prayers and support. i mean if your situation is change and is allowed books again now i dont know if allowed quran how u said allowed bible maybe is mean only like king james or whatever i hear before they took qurans of mi brethen in gitmo way those muslims bruthahs is be persecuted is must be kafha priest like we had in ireland able withstand torture tru Christ power they is help Mary Magdalene before too i think. one last dream bud then i be hit the sack maybe practice my art of dreaming more but heres one i had a house with some people watching cartoon thing when the lady comes back says to change it so like the cartoon characters start like 'shredding' bits of them is like falling down to ground bit like if took gigantic cheese slicer then goes to more film type with 'real people' cos was like actors made it originally then turned it to cartoon.
sura 3.28 let not the believers take disbelievers for their friends in preference to believers. who does that has no conneciton with ALLAH unless it be that you but guard yourelf against them, taking as it were security. allah orders you to beware only of Himself. to ALlah is the journeying.
is how Jah is put stuff in place for me before hand so i is able get out so quick from under the witchcraft some these youtubers and the evil demon seed whatever that fake vampire fabian got in me. i sure hes gonna come of worse end of the day not only have i already overcome much poison but i got Jah on mi side.
36.9 and we have set a bar before them and a bar behind them and thus have covered them so they see not.
cud be do how i said in that emial i copy and paste for you other day aobut bars outside my house and the shaman i went to told me something bad happened there.
be careful in there and try warn ones if u can not to kick off they are trying provoke that i think so can do some illuminati cause a situation get ones to react offer false solution i dont think if they had plans ship us offworld some worse slavery is gonna continue and that Jah is like pulling strings for us behind the scenes is like be his prisoners instead maybe if we still got time to do or if is time get free completely i not know but HIM is plan stuff up for people who trust in God rather than manman courts that stitch us up. dat gordon was always watching his stocks and shares like was trading mi soul. i is only meant be in their hands like slavery a certain time they trying like go past that i dont care what power they think they got i only scared of Jah of not be with God again even tho i dont remember it neither does pistis sophie remember light of light she had faith in i gwan try put some about that for you later in week. please keep pray for me i can feel u around me sometimes i thnk if i not crazy, as long as u is serious for the One i is welcome that i not too interested make much freinds aorund here at the moment need time do other stuff. 34.36 say o muhammad my Lord enlarges the provision for whom He wills and narrows it(for whom he wills). But most of mankind know not. i think this is sura 34 is def verse ten if i get up get quran to check i will forget so just from mi notebook and assuredly we gave Davit grace from Us (saying) o yew hills and birds, echo his pslams of praise. and we made the iron supple for him. 34.23 no intercession benefits with Him except who He permits. Yet, when fear is banished form their hearts, they say what was it your lord said they say the truth. and He is the sublime the great. 48.4It is He who sent down tranquility into the hearts of the believers that they would increase in faith - along with their present faith. And to ALLAH belong the souljahs of the heavens and earth, and ever is Allah knowing and wise.
dream - something do with spgb and others maybe got stalls and stuff set up, then later is like a hall thing with maybe a screen showing what b on next weeks, bit like tupperware partys, all is hosted different houses. then is a girl, maybe is Jane who i used do herion with she is one da 144,000 , then i is listening to some her story and say yeah we for Yashua HaMosiah Our Black Lord and Saviour in a loud voice, then i sleeping with someone later on, real good sex then his kid or little bruthah or his kinda robin to his batman symbol like i see on dimitri halley channel symbolism whatever, anyway dat little bruthah is jump out says surprise name is atom boy. i wonder if its some kind of sick death threat from freddie kruger or dat obamas gonna go nuclear war on me. i see grotz had video about obama has all the lucky charms in his hand including a monkey one probalby soem counterfeit got off a leprecorn who kissed the blarney stone. probably da monkey got a real organ grinder who is do with the real puppet master. mi irish gran used look like a chimpanzee sometimes she was so upset when mi grandda pass over she is like seem just fade away die of a broken heart. she used work in a prison with some ira political prisoners i used think it was not a good thing but now i see maybe is ok i bet u prefer someone like that to these next screws, she not screw like wud worked maybe kitchen or something but she spoke the prisoners language or someting and tha was quite rare so had let her in. someting like that.
if we just forgive these people how Jah is help us like i wud gone nuts on some of these muthafuckahs before now i feel how i read in a book on sexual abuse title is call the best revenge is getting well. we be get a next type of revenge too in general of the LORD cos is a GOd love jusice and righteous ness and real judgement we getting our stuff out the way so can get hearts pure and tru tribulaitons to eternal life have go tru hell a bit get back heavenly states. this is dream from when i was in mental hospital in oz about year and half ago. i in a dream dreaming i in mental hospital but i was in mental hosopital having the dream if u get how i mean ok Jerimiah. dreaming i in mental hospital stuck in 'dark part' ring nurse to say i shouldnt be sectioned. she says why not, say i not danger to myself or others like who not like what i saying then i say in a funny loud voice tho at same time mi throat really hurt and hard to speak but i manage OR IS YOUR GOVERNMENT SCARED OF THE TRUTH then something like if we dont get peace and love soon noone will survive. then i online trying listen hiphop by dead prez and download it alarm goes off i wake up here.
i went meet jaq at spgb headquarters in clapham i sure they got some type of time travel portal or some wierd stuff in the basement..she was meet me there with bageera who lives with her now as well as live in clone/kitten form next door....allegedly....wen she got out back of building and he saw the stairs leading down to the basment he scarpered quick smart leaped over high fence. i was in clapham area asking locals if they seen him sometimes saying hes a kuluminati kittikhat sometimes not, while grassing him up on line, like some alabi, he was probably off doing something else. but i did say he was in new york then about he was gonna turn into postman cat cartoon black and white cat take over the mail deliverys sounds like u need food distribution nurses all kinds of crap down there in alabama and all over...i think they tried do some illuminati ritual or something on him to be honest but i cud just be paranoid. other day the bageera from next door was here when he wanted ot go he must jumped out the window i on first floor he made it ok i saw him on the ground he cud have used a portal or something i not see him jump as such just assuming, i dont want be a false witness. one time i saw him out there looking at the moon and he had 2 shadows. I really pleased to hear you is getting a new pen. 'this is how you run with a cup of coffee' classic line....nice dat your cousin was there in the dream. i not remember mi dreams much again atm. ones i tell u is from last year or so usually.
Aengus' older brother; Aedh, Teia Tephi's firstborn; died whilst still a teenager and was buried in the passage of the Mound of The Hostages on Tara Hill, and so Aengus inherited the throne in his place. Tara Hill was the Capital of Ireland and is well worth visiting, not only because of its history and because it is still the Spiritual Capital of Ireland, but also because of its natural unspoiled beauty and the spectacular view of the surrounding country-side from the top of The Mound of The Hostages*.
The floor-plan of Newgrange.
Plan of the tomb, showing the large standing stones that were used to
align the tomb and also the Kerbstones. The vertical lines on K1 and
K52 along with the large standing stones shown below were used to
align the passage and roofbox with the Winter Solstice sunrise.
Alignment of Standing Stones and Winter Solstice Sunrise.
The large Standing Stones around Newgrange; as well as being used for sighting and surveying benchmanks to line it up with the Winter Solstice sunrise; were also used to align it with the other great cairns of Knowth and Dowth. Standing Stone GC-2, which stands on top of Bronze-age burial pits, was used along with Mound 6 to line-up Newgrange with Knowth, which is the oldest of the three cairns. Other Standing Stones around Newgrange were used to align Newgrange with Dowth which is the next oldest; Newgrange being the youngest of the three.
Ireland has large copper deposits, and, using tin from Cornwall, the Irish people manufactured bronze. That is why Ireland used bronze rather than having to buy iron and is also why the Bronze-age continued in Ireland well into what was already the Iron-age in other parts of the world. Ireland had copper-mines at least 3,000 years ago when the Phoenicians (Israelites) and others from the Mediterranean area first began sailing here to buy bronze. It still has the largest copper-mines in Europe today.
Standing Stone GC -2 and the other Standing Stones date from the Iron-age, not the Bronze-age, during the latter-part of the sixth century B.C., which is when Aengus was the Ard ri of Tara; his mother having died on the Calends (first) of August in 534 B.C.
Aengus believed that he could then travel along the light-beam to the sun and join his god and become divine himself. This belief was common in many parts of the world especially in Egypt, where the Celts, who are all Israelites, had been in slavery for 400 years, until Moses delivered them from slavery in the Exodus, after which some of them came to Ireland as Celts. Aengus's great pride and his belief expressed by his tomb caused him to be wrongfully deified, like the pharaohs, by his subjects.
The word Celt is the anglicised version of the Greek word Keltoi, which means the "people who are different" i.e. Israelites. The whole world according to God is populated by Gentiles, with Israelites being the minority who are "different" (as expressed in Deuteronomy 14:2 of The Torah - The Law) because they were commanded to keep only God's Laws - The Torah, which is buried in The Ark of The Covenant at the Hill of Torah-Taueragh-Tara. Israelites were to be a "peculiar people" unto the Lord i.e. "different from other people".
Deuteronomy 14:2 For thou [art] an holy people unto the "I AM" thy God, and the "I AM" hath chosen thee to be a peculiar* people unto Himself, above all the nations that [are] upon the earth.
* Special; Different (Oxford Dictionary).
The other people who came to settle in Ireland were/are the Tuatha de Danaan which means the Tribe of Dan, which was/is the fifth Tribe of Israel (Genesis 30:6), so, they too, like the Celts, are Israelites.
Genesis 30:6 And Rachel said, God hath judged me, and hath also heard my voice, and hath given me a son: therefore called she his name Dan.
The tomb itself is designed as an enormous cosmic egg, which was originally completely covered by quartz stone crystals, that absorb and retain the sun's energy, just like quartz-crystals absorb energy in many modern watches and clocks.
Because of his mother's prophecy concerning his tomb; that he knew would be fulfilled, for Teia Tephi was God's Chosen Seed and the Tender Twig (daughter) of the lofty Cedar (line of David) that Jeremiah uprooted from Jerusalem and planted in Ireland (Jeremiah 1:10), as he was commanded to do by God; Aengus had the blue-prints / building-plans carved into stone and placed in and around his tomb. He did this so that the tomb could then be rebuilt if it was badly damaged by the prophesied future raiders.
Jeremiah 1:10 See, I (God) have this day set thee (Jeremiah) over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.
The carvings you can see on the stones are astronomical calculations, done in great detail, without which it would have been impossible to construct and align the tomb and its roof-box aperture with the Winter Solstice sunrise. The vertical lines on kerbstones K1 and K52, which are on opposite sides (at the front and the back respectively) of the tomb are sighting-marks for lining-up the passage with the Winter Solstice sunrise.
The word Newgrange is derived from New Grianan which means New Sunhouse and it was built by, and is the tomb of, Aengus the Ard ri (High-king) of Tara, who reigned in the latter-half of the sixth century B.C. and whose name is carved in Ogham Script on Stone C4 in the West Recess inside the tomb.
The hieroglyphics on Stone C4 in Newgrange's West Recess
that show a "ship" (with four passengers: - Jeremiah;
Teia Tephi and her two hand-maidens) and spell
the word "Aengus" carved in Ogham Script.
On the East side of stone C4 there is carved a date-palm with a wavy line attached to it. This date-palm represents queen Teia Tephi, Aengus' mother who came to Ireland by sea over the waves from Jerusalem and confirms that the Aengus referred to in Ogham script, on the same stone, was indeed the third child of Teia Tephi and her husband the Daighda, Eochaidh mac Duach/Dui, the High-king of Tara. Aengus was also known as "in Mac Oc" (the Young Son). Part of the Ogham Script has also been described as a ship, which is further proof of Aengus' relationship with Teia Tephi, his mother, who came by ship from Jerusalem to Ireland with Jeremiah the Bible Prophet. Teia Tephi landed with Jacob's Pillar Stone, the Bethel - Lia Fail Stone, at Howth on the 18th of June in 583 B.C.
West Recess
Queen Teia Tephi had The Mound of The Hostages (2 Chron. 25:24) built for her at Tara Hill and named "Teamur" - "Teia's Wailing-Wall'; where she wailed over the destruction of her native Jerusalem, just as people do today by the "Wailing-Wall" in Jerusalem itself. It was also called Duma na Gaill, meaning "Purity of Palms", according to the Irish Metrical Dindsenchas, Part 1; page 17; line 39. The Mound of The Hostages/Teamur was so called, because, before being covered with earth at a later date, it was the wall where the Palm (Teia Tephi) fasted; prayed and purified herself. A later Jerusalem - Palm link is "Palm-Sunday."
Aengus' mother; the daughter of king Zedekiah of Jerusalem; called Teia Tephi, who was brought from Jerusalem to Ireland by Jeremiah (the Bible Prophet who was buried in Cairn T, at nearby Loughcrew) wrote in her autobiography that Aengus was very arrogant and that he would worship money and build the grandest tomb in Ireland for himself to be immortalised in human-memory but that it would be violated and ransacked by future invaders and grave-robbers.
is how Jah is put stuff in place for me before hand so i is able get out so quick from under the witchcraft some these youtubers and the evil demon seed whatever that fake vampire fabian got in me. i sure hes gonna come of worse end of the day not only have i already overcome much poison but i got Jah on mi side.
36.9 and we have set a bar before them and a bar behind them and thus have covered them so they see not.
cud be do how i said in that emial i copy and paste for you other day aobut bars outside my house and the shaman i went to told me something bad happened there.
be careful in there and try warn ones if u can not to kick off they are trying provoke that i think so can do some illuminati cause a situation get ones to react offer false solution i dont think if they had plans ship us offworld some worse slavery is gonna continue and that Jah is like pulling strings for us behind the scenes is like be his prisoners instead maybe if we still got time to do or if is time get free completely i not know but HIM is plan stuff up for people who trust in God rather than manman courts that stitch us up. dat gordon was always watching his stocks and shares like was trading mi soul. i is only meant be in their hands like slavery a certain time they trying like go past that i dont care what power they think they got i only scared of Jah of not be with God again even tho i dont remember it neither does pistis sophie remember light of light she had faith in i gwan try put some about that for you later in week. please keep pray for me i can feel u around me sometimes i thnk if i not crazy, as long as u is serious for the One i is welcome that i not too interested make much freinds aorund here at the moment need time do other stuff. 34.36 say o muhammad my Lord enlarges the provision for whom He wills and narrows it(for whom he wills). But most of mankind know not. i think this is sura 34 is def verse ten if i get up get quran to check i will forget so just from mi notebook and assuredly we gave Davit grace from Us (saying) o yew hills and birds, echo his pslams of praise. and we made the iron supple for him.
34.23 no intercession benefits with Him except who He permits. Yet, when fear is banished form their hearts, they say what was it your lord said they say the truth. and He is the sublime the great. 48.4It is He who sent down tranquility into the hearts of the believers that they would increase in faith - along with their present faith. And to ALLAH belong the souljahs of the heavens and earth, and ever is Allah knowing and wise.