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melissaindc Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I take a book with me everywhere in case I have to wait for a bus or a train. You never know when you're going to be stuck somewhere, even outside of prison.

Posted on Waiting by Kyle De Wolf Waiting
Rita Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
As you will read this today, my love, I will write you right away.

I only can hope you're doing fine!;-))))

In the meantime my letter for extended visits are sent a time ago. They''ll let me know at Gwen's! Wonder? 6hrs is a long time to sit, eh!! I can see us sitting there again, Georgie! ;-)

Till know I haven't received letters from you for a month and more! What happened? I told your dad. :-o So, I do not know your answer on me coming to America...
As I was writing (hope you got my letters!)I'm visiting you not too late (around 10 or 11 o'clock, depending if I get the 6 hrs?) on the 21st of June, ok? Be there!

As for now I focus today on my writings for the jury of the writing course! Still a lot to do! They have to be in the 6th of June.

Mom shortened my Argentinian curtains (yellow) and I still have to hang them in the kitchen, for the coming summer...; well, it's still fresh here for the time of year!!
Is the weather warm there?
If you write, you can do so to Gwen, ok? I fly on the 18th of June. With US Airways. I stay one night in Chicago and take the train to Galesburg on the 19th.

Big news here! Most probably Philip was accepted in Sweden? For 4 yrs that would be. So mom also can visit them! She is glad!
I am too! ;-) Leslie thinks of having a 3rd child! Leslie told mom she is an adventurer... from whom she does have this?? mmm...

Mom has a cruise in sight for August; to Scotland, Sweden, and Chetland (?) Islands. Her surgery will follow after the voyage. :-)))

I got a book on the Baltic countries, George. For free, with the A-card. I will send it to you! It's in English. For as we go! ;-)

Jessica would see why you couldn't write me letters? She is waiting for the approvement for your future job at your father's ex-employer.

How is TTall doing actually? Give him a hug while you get several hugs from me now! xxx for my sweetie, from Rita

Posted on Comment Response by George Peter Jr Comment Response
Rita Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
hello Bob,

all I can do is hoping you are doing fine. :-)
Wish we could speak right now.

In the meantime i wrote you a letter, i surely hope it arrives well. Once i get copied a photo of mine, I'll send it to you, ok?
You have a nice writing, Bob.

I am busy writing my writings for the jury. This course:'Literary Creation', I won! ;-))
Still a lot to do!
I was busy late at night yesterday.

On the 18th of June I will fly to Illinois, visiting my friend George in Illinois. (in prison).
6 days in June and 6 days in July. I asked for extended visits? Perhaps I do get them?
Do you get visits, Bob?

He writes on a blog, like you; some can answer.. others like you and him, cannot.

I didn't get a letter from him for more then a month! So bizar! Especially because he knows i'm visiting!! Is it because he writes things on his blog as an activist? I've not a clue...

For you here some sayings, Bob!

'We see things not as they are, but as how we are'-Anais Nin, French writer

'Intuition is a quality that doesn't explain anything, but only shows the way' -Florence Scovel Shinn, American metaphysic

'To keep a diary is a voyage to the inner life'- Christina Baldwin, American writer

Bob,all what you can do today, do not delay it for tomorrow. Make the best of your day!

A big hug from Rita :-)

Posted on Letting Go by Bobby Williams Letting Go
Rita Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
Hi Kelly, today you'll get this! So better inform you about things.

I didn't get a letter from George in Illinois (in prison) since more then a month! They withheld his post (probably?) for some or another reason. :-o Maybe because they realise what he wrote on his blog? I've not a clue!
It is very bizar, since he didn't even answer me telling him that I come to visit him!!

He can't answer me on the blog itself; not everybody can... You have more posibilities!:-)
Besides that i've to write my writings for the jury!The writing course, remember!Still a lot to do!! Then on the 18th of June I fly to Illinois. I asked for extended visits. Perhaps i get them? I can visit G. 6 days in June and again 6 days in July.I am so pleased to see him!

My sayings now: 'Intuition is a quality of the mind that doesn't explain anything, but only shows a way'.- Florence Scovel Shinn, American metaphysical

'To keep a dairy is a voyage to the inner life'. -Christina Baldwin, American writer

'To understand is difficult. Once we do, acting is easy'. - Soen Jat-sen, Chinese politic

Beye for now. Enjoy the best you can, Kelly. Big hug from Rita

Posted on Untitled by Kelly Jones Untitled
lala911 Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
Hi Brother,

I finally had time time to look your blog! Very impressive.

melissaindc Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. Great song!

Posted on Nothing But a Number by Nicholas Lear Nothing But a Number
melissaindc Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I think Michelle Bachmann is a nut, and I hope she stays retired.

Posted on The Rights of Children by Kyle De Wolf The Rights of Children
melissaindc Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
I'm sorry to hear about your friend, and I wanted you to know that someone out here read your words. I don't know if that is comforting or not, but I hope it is.

Posted on Untitled by Robert Pezzeca Untitled
Kat Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
Dear Bobby,
thank you for these warming words. They made me smile and gave me trust in what I do. I work as a teacher and most of the day I'm caring, friendly, good, sympathic, sometimes even loving. I try to be selfless, actually I'm often are. Then it comes one day I'm tired, the kids don't pay attention, I get frustrated, even angry, I yell at them, I feel bad about the yelling and worst of it I'm ashamed about my poor actings.
After such a day I'm happy that I can come home to meet some loving persons to spent time with. People who care, love, are friendly and understanding. That gives me the power to face an other day at school, where I can give back what I got at home. Actually I got a lot back from the kids at school too. They want to be loved and show a lot love, sometimes more hidden and in other moments more obvious.

I love my job. Thank you for reminding me at this!
Sunshine from Kat in the very northern part of Europe

Posted on Selflessness by Bobby Villado Selflessness
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
Aengus, Teia Tephi's third child and her second son (known as "In Mac Oc" - the Young son), was raised at Mullagh, Co. Cavan, by his aunt Maistiv, who was reputed to have been the best embroideress in Ireland; after his elder brother Aedh's death. Mullagh Hill where Aengus was raised is not far away, being just over the Meath border in neighbouring County Cavan.

Aengus' older brother; Aedh, Teia Tephi's firstborn; died whilst still a teenager and was buried in the passage of the Mound of The Hostages on Tara Hill, and so Aengus inherited the throne in his place. Tara Hill was the Capital of Ireland and is well worth visiting, not only because of its history and because it is still the Spiritual Capital of Ireland, but also because of its natural unspoiled beauty and the spectacular view of the surrounding country-side from the top of The Mound of The Hostages*.

Posted on Hi Michelle by LaRon McKinley Bey Hi Michelle
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