I finished the transcription for your post. That is absolutely shocking. That sort of loose morality and abuse should be eradicated from the system. Thank you so much for sharing. Keep fighting! My thoughts are with you.
I finished the transcription for your post. I am personally agnostic. I have always had these thoughts about the people who share my beliefs and try to push their thoughts onto others, whilst complaining about religious people doing the same. This was incredibly thought provoking. Thank you for writing!
Hi T, its Missy... Was thinking about u and did a search, sooo here I am. Miss u baby. All is well. Let us know when you are getting out. Would love to see you again.
ARR!! Avast me matey! I finished transcribin' yar blog post on me electric journalin' device. Ye be in luck, for I sailed' with the swashbucklin' US Pirates in my day.
Sorry, I'm not imaginative enough right now to keep up the pirate voice. The USPP is just getting started right now. They have candidates for city council races in NY and WA, but that's it. There's no organized state party in PA, but if you're really serious about this, I could maybe put you in touch with the NYPP. Sadly, their organization is so focused on online activism that I can't find a snail mail address for you to write to :(
Curious what you do with all your art work?
Love ya,
Sorry, I'm not imaginative enough right now to keep up the pirate voice. The USPP is just getting started right now. They have candidates for city council races in NY and WA, but that's it. There's no organized state party in PA, but if you're really serious about this, I could maybe put you in touch with the NYPP. Sadly, their organization is so focused on online activism that I can't find a snail mail address for you to write to :(