Hugo Chavez (R.I.P.)
Like many people in Venezuela that heard the news for the first time, I too was saddened to hear the departure of a beloved freedom fighter and President Hugo Chavez. Not only was he a beacon of hope and light to poor people of Venezuela but a leader in the fight to get 'Uncle Sam' out of 'Latin America'. The hegemonic machine of death that crippled my brown people in all south of "America". From the stealing of land of Mexico, the CIA backed coups in Chile, Guatemala, El Salvador to the invasion of Grenada and the list goes on! Condemning America at all times, even calling George Bush Jr. the DEVIL, Hugo Chavez wouldn't back down from the good fight. Now IDIOTS like Barbra Walters want to say that hopefully Venezuela will turn into a democracy now. But Mrs. Walters is too self absorbed in white supremacy to realize that not only is she part of a worldwide system of oppression but here "state-side" it goes on daily. Some democracy this U$ Mrs. Walters speaks of , yet it has the WORLD'S most prisoners! Unlike her diabolical presidents (all 44 of them) Hugo Chavez was a people's champ and dared to face the menacing threat known as the U.$ of Amerikkka!
In his short life he accomplished a lot, agitated a lot and gave voice to those that were too timid to shine the light of truth on this dark world. For your contribution to humanity I thank you sincerely, Chavez, and may you enjoy your rest.
2014 nov 15
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2014 jul 4
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2014 jul 4
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2014 jul 4
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2014 jul 4
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2014 jul 4
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