July 17, 2011

My Brother

by William D. Linley (David) (author's profile)


Friday, July 1st 2011

My Brothers!

I am honored by your words, memories and encouragement. Thank you all and "Semper Fi".

It's also nice to see this blog is working. Even though it's been more than 20 years since we served together...you found me. Perhaps people will understand why Marines are such fine examples of American spirit. Through good times and bad, victories and disaster, our brotherhood is one born from shared hardship, adversity and triumph.

Some days I feel an overwhelming shame. When you strive to do your best, works hard and be honest in life it's not supposed to end up like this. Every morning I have to ask God for the strength and mercy to endure another day. No excuses though, I'm paying the consequences for not seeking help before it was too late.

I'd be lying if i said I didn't cry when I received a copy of all the posts up to 6/19/11 in the mail a few days ago.

I've often wondered, "did I do any good in 2/8?" You've reminded me of that deep down strength only experienced after you reach the point of total exhaustion and you believe you can not go one more step. A fellow Marine comes along side, grabs your shoulder or lifts some of your gear and in the way of all warriors in the past says an encouraging word like...

"Come on Devil Dog!"
"One more hill!"
"Just a few more steps!"
"You can do it!"
"Reach down and find you a pair!"
"Don't quit!"
"We'll get through it together."

Thank God above, I'm not alone. I can endure...another day...another week...another year. On the brighter side, since I'm already a mental case, I shouldn't go crazy in here. :)

I'll look forward to any letters, and we can catch up on a more personal level than this public forum. I'm proud to be counted among you and really glad you've connected with each other. Hopefully you've found some Corpsmen too.

At the next Birthday Ball maybe life a glass for me if you think of it.

"Semper Fi!"

William D. Linley (David)


Replies (10) Replies feed

bsiler Posted 13 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 6 months ago   Favorite

We all understand that a Marine takes responsibility for there actions, this you are doing. However, we all believe that the sentence given to you was not just as we know the real David Linley. Rest assured that you are not alone in this battle of survival, a band of brothers stand behind you and pray for you daily. You are a great man David always remember that. You did make A LOT of differences in many peoples lives (and still do)

I only wish you could see some of the funny things being said on the internet, almost as funny as the rescue plan they had for us in Beirut to save the hostages and recovery of Lt. Col William Higgins body.(man MOD-LOC Sucked).

I guess the State of Illinois does not understand the brother hood of the United States Marine Corps and how we look out after our own. BE ADVISED, that we are checking in on a regular basis to this site, so keep writing and posting, we will do the same.

A letter was sent today (7/19) and others have said they are doing the same. Also some of the 2/8'ers live close to you, let us know if you can receive visitors, as some have voiced interest to come see you, if allowed... Let us know

Semper Fi Marine

A.B Siler
SGT USMC 1981-1991

ericquintero Posted 13 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 6 months ago   Favorite

Not sure if you remember a young Lance Corporal that was under your ward with 2/8, but I remember you. We have all gotten back in touch with eachother through the magic that is facebook. Please know that you have touched and infuenced so many during your tour with 2/8. I can tell you that you helped teach me what it meant to be a Marine, and I have never forgotten.

Also I am a Cop now and have been for for over 19 years. I have seen many cases where people have found themselves in situations like the one you found yourself in that landed you where you are now. The fact that you didn't hurt anyone wasn't an accident. If you wanted to you could have. YOU DIDN'T!

I as everyone that remembers you with 2/8 knows that other forces not rooted in evil drove you to your actions that fateful day. You are and remain in our hearts that honorable, noble, caring Sergeant of Marines that we remember so fondly. I hope these words can offer you some measure of comfort in those moments of weakness we all feel from time to time when we think life is hopeless. Never have I meant these next words more than I do right now... SEMPER FI!

The artist formally known as,
LCpl Eric Quintero

wnesbit Posted 13 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 5 months ago   Favorite

Young Lcpl Nesbit from 2/8 reporting in....your words are sobering. You were and still are the real thing. Marines are not manufactured they are created. You Sir were created in marvelous fashion. I remember you as a person of integrity, honor and drive. We all fall short of expectations at some point in life. I want you to know that as Marines we are always bound by the red, white an blue of this country. We shared the burden of protecting our borders and the sacrifice of self for the common cause.
Stay motivated. I am inspired to hear of your integrity in your situation. Just know that there is a bright side to every situation. Keep your hands in God's Hands and trust in His words. I am praying for you. God bless you brother.

Pastor Woodrow Nesbit Jr.

turomon Posted 13 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Not being a marine I probably should not be responding to this post, but here goes.

David, you may remember when working a project in springfield, we were eating breakfast at the hotel and I made some oatmeal. It turned out the "hot" water was actually cold.

After one bite, I commented how bad this was, then I ate it anyway not wanting to waste food. you commented, "YOu would make a good marine" having seen me eat a bowl of cold oatmeal. I know it was a throwaway joke, but I took it as a high compliment. Thanks!


Lil_James Posted 13 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Sgt Linley,

I thought I left you a message a few days ago but I can't seem to find it on your blog. Not to worry though, I can deliver it again with with all the respect I have for you.

In despite of your situation, I'm glad to read that you are o. k. and still motivating lives. You have always been one to show us how to lead from the front, both on and off duty. Many a quote from Sgt Linley has been passed on to my Jr troops and a few time the Senior Enlisted. Thank you for helping me grow to be the Man I am today.

GOD doesn't give us nothing we can not handle,

SSgt Benjamin James (ret.)

JohnsonJH Posted 13 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Sgt Linley,

Not sure if you remember Cpl Johnson from the old 2/8 days. You are remembered (by me) as a fine Marine who exampled the highest level of integrity and professionalism. I did not serve with you long but your leadership made a lasting impact. I will pray for you and your family. May inspiration be extended to you as you have freely inspired others.

Semper Fidelis,

James H. Johnson Jr.
Master Sergeant Ret., USMC

EP99 Posted 12 years, 12 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 12 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

thardy73 Posted 12 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
I am not a marine like all of you but by God's providence I now have a connection to Sgt. William David Linley. I visited and prayed with him at Graham Prison on 12/12/12.
I work in a ministry that offers men a better chance of success upon their parole from prison if they don't have other family or a place to parole to. I will be visiting with and writing to David and following his court and appeal process for a reduced sentence. He is trusting God in all things and doing well. I just wanted you all to know that in case you had not heard from him in awhile. Let me know if you have any questions or want to send along any words of encouragement to him. My own son is an E6 still serving his country like all of you have and I want to honor you and David in any way that God leads.

Tom Hardy Springfield, IL

Cindy Posted 10 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
Dear Sergeant Linley:

I read your story on the February 2014 issue of the Time Magazine, my eyes were welled with tears -- the tears mixed with sorrow, indignation, inspiration, and compassion........

I'm a 60-year old Chinese American woman. As with my fellow Americans, we are indebted to people like you who risk their lives to protect our country so that we can live in a comfortable and safe environment. And some can even continue their relentless pursuit of material wealth, which they use to lobby the government to set the policies to further their gains. But for those VAs who had sacrificed their family and normal life for a noble cause and retuned with PTSD, our government could and should do a better job to give them the care they deserve.

"When you strive to be best, work hard, and be honest in life it's not supposed to end up like this". My heart goes out for you. I find it admirable and respectable that despite all the hardships you have gone through, there is not a trace of cynicism or resentment which are instead replaced by faith and hope.

I just want to send you a small note to express my gratitude and pay respect to you and your fellow marines and let you know that you are not alone.

Best wishes,


Sergeant Linley,

higgitymurphy@nc.rr.com Posted 10 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
Sgt Linley:
I would like to help you and your sons, is there any way I can send a donation to help out as a volunteer at the USO I have a special spot in my heart for the USMC and you are on my list.
Let me know where I can send my donation.
Georgina Kelly.

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