April 30, 2013
by Kelly Jones (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Untitled thumbnail
(April 8, 2013)


Hey Little Pilgrim!

So glad to hear from you again. I received 2 of your posts today in the mail and am replying to both. Thanks for your comments, and they were very well worded, about my "venting". Sometimes I do feel the need to blow off steam and I have always "cussed like a sailor". It's really just the way I talk. I don't think it's bad-- words have only the power which you give them. In any case, I may not achieve much, but I do want to let the folks out there know what's going on, and the way I talk is the way I talk. As for achieving anything, I am known to file complaints/grievances. I have over 155 on record, and I have filed civil suits. With them I also have achieved nothing because the BOP grievance system is set up to fail and the courts go along with the BOP even when they aren't following the law/prior cases/their policies, etc., etc. I am not just saying that, I could give examples of my own. However, I will still keep trying because it bugs the hell out of me when inmates just sit and whine about the way things are, but are wiling to do nothing to change them. The only way you can change them is by standing up for your rights, and that's what I try to do. I will admit, though, that I am really, really getting burned out.


Replies (4) Replies feed

little_pilgrim Posted 11 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
Hello Kelly
Thanks for your reply. No doubt, you're a very energetic woman! My question, is, do you use your energy in the right way? Your fight seems to me a quite unequal fight and I am wondering whether if you make the balance between the spent energy on one side and the little result on the other, the balance is for you positive enough. If not, you're just getting exhausted, like you seem to suggest yourself. Well I guess I don't really have some alternative, I just am thinking out loud. I just wonder if it's not the time to calm down and to think about some better strategy, however I can't imagine how that should be. Do you sometime do some meditation? I do and it helps me. Oh got to go now. We'll talk about this further on.
Send you a hug,
Little Pilgrim

Kelly Jones Posted 11 years, 5 months ago.   Favorite
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little_pilgrim Posted 11 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Hello Kelly
Yes meanwhile it reached me you are not a woman.
No thanks, I love doing this!
This evening I was interviewed by a Dutch researcher about my writing with prisoners and in fact I really enjoyed it... She seemed me of the serious sort, you know, not greedy for sensation. I have 7 penpals in prison, 5 men and 2 women. I hope you don't reproach me not writing to you, I enjoy this medium too.
It's good you're planning to meditate again maybe. In any case I'm glad you seem to have found some inner peace anyway...
Thanks for your hugs, I can use them :-)!
A lot of hugs to you too!

Kelly Jones Posted 11 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
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