May 8, 2013

Time Does Not Heal All Wounds, God Does

by Robert Russell (author's profile)


April 15, 2013 #53
Time does not heal all wounds, God does!

I have often heard it said that time heals all wounds. My experience is that that is false. Times has never healed any of my wounds, and as much as I would like to think it has healing wounds on other that I have inflicted, I am sure time has not.
Ignore it and it will go away. Bah! Only in facing what causes us pain and bringing it to God in prayer can we hope to be healed so if you are feeling pain over something, or a lot of somethings from the past, stop, go to God and get healed.
Plan a day to be alone with God, unplug the phone (or turn it off) and shut down the computer. Get out some paper and pencils, maybe old photos to act as reminders and get serious in prayer.
People sometimes tell us we need to repent OUR part in things, and we do, but let's leave that off for a minute and get real with God. Your pain matters! Tell Him, I HURT, memories cause pain and I am sick of it. Please heal me! Then begin to think of your part, confess and forgive and TRUST God, thanking him for his healing.
Wellness very seldom just happens. It takes work to get, be, and stay well, whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual health and wellness.
God bless you on your journey to wholeness and wellbeing.
Stay Sober!!! :)


Replies (2) Replies feed

RussFamily Posted 11 years, 9 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
Good counsel...I hope it gets read and used!

bluelotus Posted 11 years, 9 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
Wise words...healing is unfortunately often not something that happens "by accident". You have to really want it and then consciously put work into it. Most of all, as you said, you have to "face" your pain. Bring it to the surface, really look at it, cry the tears that need to be cried, and then try to make peace with the past when you are ready. It is a slow and often painful process, but so worth it. Inner scars are a bit like physical the right environment, nature will take its course and healing will happen...but more often than not, especially if the wound is deep, something else besides time is needed. If you ignore the wound and the pain, dirt and bacteria will get into it and make it worse. It could make you very ill if toxic substances get into your blood. The wound might even heal, but if you don't take care of it it might leave huge scars. I pray that everyone who is hurt, physically or emotionally, will find the right medicine to heal their wounds.

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