May 23, 2013

The Blame Game

by Rechell Williams (author's profile)


The Blame Game May 9, 2013

Blaming creates enemies. The person you are blaming will ignore you, compile numerous proofs of their innocence, and resent you. And their friends will defend them and become your enemy. Even your own friends will get fed up with your complaining and distance you. Your root of bitterness will spread like a plague, causing people to flee from your presence. Hanging out with angry people with bad tempers is contagious - don't get infected. Bitter people pass on their misery and dysfunction to those they love: without notice.

Blaming is addictive. The justification we feel in blaming hooks us for the long run. It manipulates our anger, making us feel okay about shifting responsibility. It gets progressively easier to complain rather than to solve the problem. Like any addiction, it has to be fed more and more to acheive it's reward. Sooner than you think, you'll become a skilled, confirmed blame-aholic.

Blaming sabotages forgiveness. You can't forgive someone while judging and resenting them. And while you're squandering time and energy blaming people, you forfeit your right to receive God's forgiveness.

Point in case, the blame game is exactly what it says it is; A Game! When you become an adult, you're suposed to sever childish games. We as prisoners struggle with the blame game everyday until we each realize that we put ourselves here. We'll never be able to grow or move forward until we shift the blame on who is actually responsible for our current situation: OURSELVES!!! Acceptance of your actions is the first step to a new beginning.

Rechell Williams #V69138 A3/18/6
P.O. Box 5248
Corcoran, CA 93212


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