Gay Marriage
Hello, I know I'm not exactly an unbiased opinion on this particular subject, but I feel like any opinion has merit.
So what. Seriously. Besides the people who are getting married, how does this affect anyone else? It doesn't change your marriage or relationships. It doesn't change your religious beliefs, and it doesn't change your sexual preference. When our country leads the world in civil liberties and democracy, why are we so far behind in our fair treatment of gays? Trying to say who others can or cannot marry is quite simply a monstrous act of tyranny.
Marriage is a human right practiced all over the world, and homosexuals should be accorded the same rights as everyone else. The fact that we are still struggling with this issue is shameful. The fact that most of the world treats the people fairly and we (the leaders of the free world) don't is shameful. Come on, people: relax and try not to destroy the lives of other adults.
Peace :)
2021 jan 28
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