I got to do some 10th Step work today. For various reasons, I've not yet completed Steps 7, 8, or 9, but that's okay; my 12-step process started with Step 4, then 5, then back to 1, 2, & 3. Why start doing things in order now, right? I rely on the advisement that the 12 steps are merely suggestions, a series of actions that others have taken in their successful recoveries, rather than the ordered steps of an algorithm.
The 10th Step is where I continue to take my personal inventory & promptly admit when I am wrong. Well, I sort of blew the "promptly" part of this work this time. For three full weeks, I was stuck in my self-righteousness, blaming another for my behavior, as if I were a victim. But, call it my conscience, my Higher Power, or The Simple Truth, I simply could not allow that to be the end of it, & I dwelt on the matter for several days.
Thanks to my Higher Power, I was able to get out of my own way this time. I was able to see my own part in the matter & admit that I had in fact behaved inappropriately. This is a relatively new skill, a new perspective for me, & I found myself genuinely looking forward to my opportunity to make amends. What a dramatic change from my past! My 10th Step worked well for me today, & I am proud of my process & personal growth thus far. I am excited to know that, by working the Tenth Step, I will make my 8th Step all that much easier to complete...Whenever I get to it.
Thanks for reading.
Daniel Soledad, CA.
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