Oct. 11, 2013

Us vs. Them

by Daniel Gwynn (author's profile)


Daniel Gwynn Blog Update
Date: 9/22/13
Subject: "Us v. Them"

"I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you." Matt. 5:44

I've been "checked" by a few friends lately on my display of kindness towards the guards. I'm told it's "Us v. Them", and that I shouldn't be so helpful when I find them to be in need. I don't understand how it can be so wrong to help another human being, no matter who they are. I believe that the guards are human beings, good & bad, whose job it is to secure the prison I'm to serve my time in.

A guard was oiling the pad locks on the yard gates, but he neglected to turn the locks upside down so that the oil would lubricate the inside of the locks, instead of just leaking out. When I brought this to his attention, I caught flak for "helping the guard". My friends ground me up under the reasoning that I was "helping the Man keep us down", and that "he wouldn't think twice to beating you down if he was instructed to do so." I have no delusions that my act of kindness would stop that guard's baton from crushing my skull; but maybe it would lessen the force of his blows. I only helped because it was the right thing to do. It's not his fault that I'm in here.

An act of kindness is not about seeking a reward for my deed, nor should it be exclusive to just a friend. An act of kindness is charity from the heart, that's given without reservations or restrictions. It's the free flow of love from one human being to another -- especially if that other person is my enemy and they don't return the love. And for the record, I don't expect someone to give in kindness to their own detriment. That's just plain foolishness.

So in the end, I don't think it is foolish to help the guard oil the locks, and I don't expect him to return the kindness. Charity is given from the heart, and given freely. Treat other people as you would have them treat you. It's just that simple.

Daniel Gwynn


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