Nov. 28, 2013

Dear Readers(10-23-13)

by Kelly Jones (author's profile)


"There's so much good here. It sickens me." - Wicked Witch, 'Oz, The Great and Powerful'


Dear Readers,


Well, I'm sitting here at Rec killing time for some idiotic reason. They called a meeting for anyone who has a hobby craft locker at Rec. What is happening is the Rec supervisor is going thru every single locker because someone apparently stole some ceramic supplies out of the ceramics room (or someone's locker). I don't do ceramics, I crochet, and my locker is in a different room. Nonetheless I am stuck here.

My best friend and only support, Pam, hasn't emailed me since Sept. 7, and ignored my birthday on Oct. 5. She didn't forget 'cause her b-day's only 10 days before mine, on 9/25, and I sent her a card that I had someone draw and called her. This is the support system I have.

I've had this second job as "Santa Claus" ICP for almost a month and I can't wait to quit. I told him I'd finish out the month and I'm done. I can't take it anymore. My alarm goes off 4 times a day to make sure I get ready to take him somewhere, so I'm always up and down. Plus, I'm sure not willing to pay for his laundry and cleaning anymore when he makes 3 times what I do. Pass. This guy runs through ICP's and can't keep one.

The Wicca group will have our once-a-year holiday meal next week on Samhaim (Halloween). I had asked for pizza since I'm the one active member in gen pop (general population - the rest are in Maryland unit, the sex offenders unit). I have been trying to get a movie for us to watch - as they do everywhere else - but the chaplain is being a real pain in the ass and doesn't want to do anything. The one good news about the group is that a new guy arrived last month and I hope he will start attending. Unfortunately, he's even more of a novice than I am so it's still up to me to lead and to teach him the limited amount I know.

It's getting chilly here and I caught a cold this week. I really need some rest, but I can't get it with all the up and down of dealing with Santa Clause.

It's 2:13 pm and it appears there's one more guy before they start on the lockers in my art room. I've been here since 12:30p 'cause the "moves" (when we can go from one building to another) are on the half hour, and the guy started at about 1 pm. I'll be stuck here all afternoon.


Well, luckily I made the 2:30p "move." He went thru my locker and made me take out a bunch of books I had there. Pain in the ass. I'm exhausted and need a nap, but I still have to pick up Santa at around 3:15p (it's now 2:50p), then there's the 4 pm "Count" and I still haven't showered and we'll eat shortly after that. Then Santa has pill line at 7:15 pm. I need a break.

The one bright spot of this week is that my $500 loan check will clear tomorrow. Finally.

Love and Blessings,


Replies (3) Replies feed

little_pilgrim Posted 11 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
hello dear Kelly,

well life isn't easy, is it? I understand you depend on all sort of things, counts, ICP, meal, and so on and you aren't the boss of your life anymore. Well that may be normal in prison, but I can understand you say you're exhausted. This is a bit too much.

I think your answers and texts are published here with some delay, isn't it? You wrote this post on 10-23-13 and today we are 11-29-13. That's more than a month to get published. Well I don't mind but for a blog it's very slow... Must make you feel very lonely, because you have no reaction on what you tell us before a few weeks... Well you get used to that, I suppose...

I hope you had a nice pizza at Halloween. So there is some kind of group where you can make some propositions or some wishes? Isn't anybody else within the group interested in this then? That's a pity! This is so precious to have all be it a very little bit of power about your life in prison. It would be nice to look together at some beautiful movie... I unerstand your frustration at the absence of other inmates at this meetings... It says something about the despair of your collegues in there to do only that little bit to be present at the meetings... Probably this doesn't make sense to them, as nothing makes sense to them anymore. I think it's beautiful how you yourself still fight for some more quality of life in there. There's a great lack of solidarity between the inmates and that's a pity... You're all in the same situation, aren't you?

Well I pra

little_pilgrim Posted 11 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
sorry i pushed on the wrong key.

I wanted to write :

Well I pray and hope you keep the courage and the strength you have at this moment.

You're a really special person. Keep this!

I hope some day you will be able to make things move on a little bit...

Do you still do some meditation? This might help you, I think...

Well I leave you here again, take good care of yourself...

Little Pilgrim

Kelly Jones Posted 10 years, 12 months ago.   Favorite
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