Jan. 25, 2014

Comment Response

by William McKenzie (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Take Notice thumbnail
Take Notice
(Feb. 4, 2013)


[A yellow bar runs vertically along the right side of the entire scanned document, obscuring some portions of the text. Guesses are made at the covered words, and [???] indicates anything that could not be estimated properly.]

Reply ID
C6im | CollegeKid - Post pg 1 - reply to Sat Nov 23rd

I'm very sorry - I was moved and Between the Bars is still sending replies to the old address-

First your reply dried the tears from my eyes. I was sitting here crying like a sob and really did nothing about it. That can be very dangerous for a[???]ditict. I wish to thank you. First, the reason for my [???]r's. My dad died on Christmas, and it hit me harder than I really thought it would.

Yes, I'm working on that three year ch[???] although, since being moved, I haven't been to a me[???] because this new place doesn't have them here - yet. I'm not on a very good unit to start with, but hey, my HP does look out for me.

So what songs from The Who, or Pink Floyd, I can see where you can play with Miles Davis or Mr. Ellington - I did say Mr., he is one of my favorites!! I bet you're having a blast - Too cool! - Plus, being the only violinist, it's all your show, and interpretation. Just stay on the beat, and have fun!!!

Your next question is really kinda E[???] if you place it in perspective. "Reading," "Educate," "Enable to Change"

"Please let me start there." - "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."


Dec 30th - 2013

Reply ID
C6im | CollegeKid - Post pg 2 - reply to Sat Nov 23rd

Those words take a life of their own if you apply them to some of our daily lives. I don't know what your major is in school, but if you wish to help Turkey, I would think I would start there.

-Reading- I will never, never, advise someone not to read. Reading has saved my life, it's let me receive a college degree, and it's been able to keep myself clean and sober since 2011. It's not the books I feel are the issue here, it's the time management, and here I have nothing, but time. It would seem to people on the outside, you might say, "That's easy for you. It's not that simple. I don't know what newspapers read, but I read the "USA Today" - I feel its the best all round news I need to keep me informed enough to stay atop most issues in the world. However, the newspapers can be a bit one-sided so I take them with a grain of salt and try to stay in focus. To be cru[???], I read my newspaper in the A.M. when I'm also using the bathroom - that's all the time I allow its influence to mess with my day. And at the end of the brief time I flush and start my reality which is my world at the present. Your passion like mine can get us so sideways we forget which way is forward.


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