Feb. 9, 2014

Hope 2014

by Gary Field (author's profile)


Gary Field
Century CI
Century, FL 32535

HOPE 2014
I believe it was Shakespeare who wrote "When sorrows come, they arrive not as single spies, but in battalions :-) The boxer who finds himself flat on his back might put it this way "The punches come in bunches." :-)

Let me just say "It's been rough." My "battalions" threw punches in bunches. L.O.L.

For those of you who might say: "This too will pass"--try telling that to the man with kidney stones. (ouch! :-))

At any rate, I've weathered the storm and hope to begin "posting" more often--rather than writing bout the darkness that I've endured, I still prefer to write about the light that has guided me through.

The month of January gets its name from the Roman 'god' Janus-He was the 'god' of gates and new beginnings. In art, he was often depicted with 2 faces--one looking 'back' at the past, the other forward to the future. (How appropriate :)) It's a good name for a month. Gates, new beginnings--the past, the future...hmmm! Sounds like someone should snatch up that name for a transitional housing project. :-)

No matter what challenges this New Year may bring, let us look to the future with hope. Whether the "storms of life" are emotional, physical, financial or situational, let us cling to the hope of our salvation--which hope we have as an anchor for our soul. (See Ro 5:1-5)

I'm hoping to be transferred to a private facility in the not too distant future.--Rather than being 10 minutes from the border of Alabama, South Bay is down in sunny "South Florida." :-) Aside from the weather--there are other advantages that I will be sure to write about.

Until next time, may the God of hpe fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Spirit (Ro. 15:13)



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Ashby Posted 10 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 6 months ago   Favorite

I am following your saga on the Between the Bars blog which I have just discovered today. Your description of "Janus" is poignant. Although so many of those old gods have long since been forgotten and are myths in or minds and stories, there's a lot of symbolism. I can feel the light of God in your words, which is much needed. I meditate frequently on Ecclesiastes and remember that all is a chasing after the wind, which comforts me in an odd way.


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