Feb. 25, 2014

Surprised Me!

by Librado Clemena, Jr. (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Children Of The Incarcerated thumbnail
Children Of The Incarcerated
(Jan. 12, 2012)


Reply ID: 'gu ja'

From: http://betweenthebars.org/blogs/518

Librado Clemena, Jr. J-94579 (Valley State Prison/ P.O. Box 92, B4,18,3L/ CA 93610-0092)

Surprised me!


Hi, how are you? I just now received your response to my Blog. I sincerely apologise for the day in responding. I was previously transferred from the institution that you sent your response to. I left Mule Creek about fourteen months ago and am currently incarcerated at the about institution.

In your response, I was shockingly surprised what you said. Unbelievably, my natural father is residing in the Philippines and I do carry his name. However, not to mention that I have never met him, and I have attempted on several occasions to get in touch with him. I surely believe that God has spiritually connected me to him through you, which has me in a 'state-of-shock!' I am 53 years old and not once in my life have I ever seen this man, imagine that!

Additionally, if he was to accept me as his son or wait a minute, I just remembered something, I am supposed to have a brother that was born around the same time I was and he may have the same name too. However, it may help you if I provide you with the little information that was given to me many years ago - I was told my father was in the U.S. Navy, the ship he was on was the U.S.S. Prairie and he was a 2nd Class something? His crewmembers called him 'Ding' and he has family from my hometown of Long Beach, California.

Now, as for the Clemena family in Long Beach, I have met them when I was quite younger. I used to go to my Uncle Narcisco's home all the time, they've tried to connect the both of us at some point and time but my father refused to meet with me! He has always denied the fact that I was his son! So, of course there was a child (son) running around with a father figure in the home.

Look, I cannot blame anyone for the poor choices and decisions I've made in my life, I accept full responsibility for all my actions and there are times I think to myself, the 'What if's!' But, unfortunately I can honestly admit I was a lost child and held resentments toward a father I wished I would have had by my side but never knew... Today, through the changes I've made in my life and through the twelve-step recovery process of CGA (Criminals and Gangmembers Anonymous), I needed to let go of those resentments. When I think about him, his denying the fact I'm his son and how has never made an attempt to locate and get to know me, I just pray and leave it in the hands of my Higher Power.

Therefore, if you have the capability and ability to provide me with this information (i.e. address and phone number) or any other family information you may have, I would appreciate your assistance. For that matter, you now have my address so if you'd like, please feel free to write to me directly, okay? On the other hand, if you may, can you let him know that I would like to hear from him and/or see him before one of us passes away. I know he is getting older and although we're Filipino, and our bloodline makes us look young at 50,60,70, 80 and 90 years old at some point we will die. I just want to know who my father is, I want to know him, as I would like him to know me and his grandchildren!

Well, I guess I'll close for now - so until I hear from you, please take good care of yourself and thank you very much for answering my blog. I hope we get to know each other as well. Write back soon.

Peace and God Bless!


Replies (2) Replies feed

CJP Posted 10 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I hope that you get in touch with your father, I have a difficult relationship with my own father and it really gets me down. It is important to have a father figure in your life whatever age you are.

Librado Clemena, Jr. Posted 10 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
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