So You Feel That Way
Line 1
You're right!
Not because what you declare
is true.
But because that you utter it.
I'm a disease-ridden, virus
infected, muling, pathetic nothing.
A person who's overpowered by
the disgust and-and.
My efforts and courage to
engage go unaccounted for.
I desire the proclamation
of a gentleman.
Scornful thoughts and words.
Hostile physical gestures.
Abusive behavior is defined.
Your declaration is an illusion
of the utmost.
If a cat had nine lives and
lost five, he would be wise to
the ways to not lose six.
Line 2:
Benefit, maturity.
Pain, frustration, anxiety.
No, truly! I understand
your interest me.
Ships capsize at incompetency,
cars wreck at incompetency.
The lives of war are lost at
man's stupidity.
Hearts are crushed at
A child is lost at carelessness.
The homeless is the homeless.
The mentally ill rules the world.
And I bow and tip my hat
And say; so you feel that
I truly desire to
break our so self-hateful
celestial hold...
2019 jun 11
2018 dec 27
2018 dec 12
2018 dec 7
2018 nov 1
2018 sep 19
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