Family Support
Many of you have heard of this word and although it may be a technical or therapeutic meaning. It is one very valid in assisting your loved one or friend with a successful reintegration in society and/or upon their release. Many of you care and that is what makes this more meaningful but there is a lot to this one word and its understanding that promotes success in it! Support isn't just about helping your loved one financially. There are many aspects such as being there for them to talk to, helping them through their struggles, being aware of how they feel, and trying to bring them out of their lows. But first you have to understand them to identify problems and one problem you may not be aware of that I have seen is depression. There is a large percent who deal with this and you may not realize it but its the #1 issue that we are faced with after being incarcerated. No we aren't psych patients. It's developed from all the drug use, the incarceration, the years spent without happiness. And it's 50% or more who live with it. A lot of this is for those who have family members who has just gotten home or who has family or friends coming home soon. Depression is a destructive element in sobriety/abstinence from drug/alcohol use. We try to self-medicate instead of seek help. To us this is helping us. Family support is a big responsibility but not one that you cannot handle. I've just given you something primarily to look for. It's a red flag. I'm not a Dr. or a counselor. I'm just observant. Many of you already see signs...
Quietness, they may want to stay in most of the time. They don't smile as often. They'd rather watch TV all day. Even in social events they aren't very social. Although I've given you the symptoms I cannot give you the solution. It's a delicate matter, one that you will have to handle with care. I know happiness is a great tool. Wait for the perfect moment. Let them know you are not only in their lives because you love them but to also help them. Don't tell them that if they don't tell you that you cannot help them. They will automatically feel you are abandoning them. Just let them know you are always there to help and to listen. If they are on parole you can inform the parole officer that you see signs of depression so they can possibly take the steps to help. Reintegration isn't easy. We automatically feel we are inadequate/the outsider and reorganizing our lives isn't very easy. It's a struggle and a lot of pressure.
The #1 tool you can use is "love". To have or feel love is what governs our needs. We are needy people and love comforts the soul. We become codependent and it's all from trying to fill that "void" in depression.
It was my purpose to make you become aware of this issue alone in your journey in "support" and I hope I have enlightened you to an aspect to be aware of.
What questions do you have? Since blogging I've tried to touch subjects that inspire responses or replies. I've also been forthcoming and honest as well as helpful in any way possible. I'd like anything I write about to be interesting. No I'm not running out of things to talk about-I'm just curious.
I know many of you are curious as well-you have to be and it's only human nature. I know you all have questions that's gone unanswered, questions that you have always wanted to ask. Well now is your time. It could be about addiction, signs of using, whether a person is involved in criminal behaviors, it could be about prison, whether your loved one is involved in too much in prison. There are signs that you wouldn't think of like constantly putting money in other inmates accounts, doing a Green Dot or Western Union where it will lead, about the tattoos your loved one is getting, any question about what a lock down is, why your visiting your loved one behind a piece of glass, the honest reasons.
Do you know 25% of inmates in prison still use drugs? Yes, using pills non-prescribed and over the amount to stimulate their minds is still drug use. Did you know the reason they are visiting you from behind a piece of glass is because they've gotten a major case or custody charge? I've been there done that!
Everyone has got questions and maybe I've sparked one up. Well I'm here to answer any that you may have. You may choose to reply or simply write for a quicker response. Don't worry your information is privileged and respected. I wouldn't give it out to anybody. I'd just like to be helpful in any way I can.
Teddy Drake #1599339
Daniel Unit D1-O1-B
938 FM 1673
Snyder, TX 79549
2019 may 28
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